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Seonghwa walks through the dimly lit streets that night, feeling warm inside after earlier's events. He thinks about how graceful Y/n looked at the piano. He reflects on her thoughtfulness when she invited him for dinner. He smiles to himself when he remembers her face as she devoured that cake.

He keeps thinking about a certain someone until he finally reaches his appartement. He had forgotten to think of an excuse for his friends, afraid of how they'll react if he declared the truth. He knows for a fact that Wooyoung and Yeosang would tease him together, but San's reaction is what he fears the most.

He cautiously opens the front door which leads to the living room, meaning if the boys were hanging out there he wouldn't be able to escape.

It seems like luck is not on his side today as he walks in to San glaring at him with Wooyoung and Yeosang sitting across from him. San's eyes travel all over Seonghwa, searching for evidence of where he could've been. His sharp senses send a shiver down Seonghwa's spine.

All four men that shared the apartment were very close as they've been friends with each other since they were young. That means they all know each other very well. Seonghwa knows how obsessive and unhealthy San can get over something or someone he really desires. By the looks of it, he's also taken an interest in Y/n and Seonghwa knows it won't be easy for him or San in the end. Seonghwa still feels obligated to feel grateful for Yeosang and Wooyoung as they are very open minded and accepting, unlike what it seems from their outer image.

"Where were you." San demands through gritted teeth. Another thing Seonghwa feared is how soft San can be, but as soon as he's lied to he can get quite infuriated. "Football" Seonghwa carelessly blurts. He gets a bad feeling as even Yeosang and Wooyoung raise an eyebrow at him.

"We were at football an hour ago and we didn't see you anywhere" Wooyoung confusedly states, not feeling angry in the slightest. Seonghwa feels sick of lying to his friends. He wishes he could tell them what's on his mind without getting into trouble, but he knows this situation won't allow that. Under pressure, he decides to make a risky move. "Just leave me alone and let me do whatever I want" He growls at San before storming up the stairs to his shared room, ignoring the shocked faces on his friends.

He doesn't know what to do. He wanted to push her away so bad. He knew San liked her, and he feels like a failure of a friend for falling for her too. Deep down, he doesn't want San to get to her because he knows San will hurt her unintentonally. Seonghwa hates himself for feeling this way, and he hates the way he keeps getting closer and closer to Y/n, even as he tries to push her away. He feels horrible every time he's rude to her but it was necessary to him but he doesn't know how much longer he can keep this act up for.

Seonghwa drowns in his thoughts with his head in his hands, his fingers gripping his hair out of frustration. He feels so lost and wishes to share his burden with someone else but knows that will be hard. He has had a passion for dancing ever since he was five years old, but he skillfully hid this from everyone, afraid of being looked down upon. He took up football too as he grew older to fit in, although he couldn't care less about that sport. Now that Y/n knows about his secret, he automatically feels connected to her somehow.

"Everything okay?" Seonghwa notices his best friend/ roommate peeking his head cutely through a crack in the door. He instantly calms down at his friend's presence and smiles softly. "Come in Yeosang."

Yeosang takes a seat beside Seonghwa on his bed. "You can trust me, ok? Where did you go?" Yeosang tries to make Seonghwa comfortable by softening his voice as he speaks. Seonghwa thinks for a second. Should he be honest or should he be cautious? What if Yeosang also judges him? "I won't tell anyone" Yeosang reassures. 

That seems to do the trick for Seonghwa as he starts finally starts pouring out his feelings in a big flush. He admits how he feels about Y/n and where he was merely a few minutes ago. He makes sure to hide his love for dancing, but admits everything else. 

"So you've been to her house already..." Yeosang hesitates for a moment before continuing. "Make sure San doesn't find out about this. He won't take it easily" He warns before pulling Seonghwa into a warm hug. "I know" he simply states. "Thank you for being here for me, I've been needing this for so long now" Seonghwa smiles, finally feeling a little bit free from his thoughts.

Suddenly, a shy San creeps through Seonghwa's door. Seonghwa's heart rate increases and his grip on Yeosang's hand tightens. "I'm sorry for getting mad earlier on... I don't want it to seem like you can't trust me, because you can! I wouldn't ever hurt you" San sweetly says, not sounding even a bit malicious. "It's ok San" Seonghwa smiles. Deep down he knows to stay cautious of San, but his heart warms in the slightest knowing that his soft side is back. For now.

Seonghwa ends up telling San and Wooyoung that he spent the evening with Mingi and Yunho, making sure to keep Y/n's name out of his mouth. He explains that he wants to meet a new friend on Saturday and although Wooyoung was gullible enough to believe him, San still felt suspicious.

Hesitantly, San pretended to accept Seonghwa's poor excuse. He decided to take matters into his own hands if his friend wouldn't help him.

He decided to secretly follow Seonghwa on Saturday.

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