#1 Zakari Nakano

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"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich and beautiful."

Haruhi Fujioka, a brown-haired girl who was seemingly in a boys uniform at this prestigious academy, sighing slightly as she looked on to the other hosts who seemed to be busy with their customers while Haruhi sat there before she got up and dusted herself off and began walking towards Tamaki who seemed to be having the time of his life. She rolled her eyes before a girl began to pull out a bag. "We have something for the club!" She eyed the bag briefly seeing a rose with a piping bag as a logo.

"I've seen that before..." She muttered to herself before Tamaki reached in and grabbed what seemed to be a ball of chocolate. "Oh thank you! I shall savor this!" He popped it in his mouth, expecting anything, even if it was bad, but was pleasantly surprised when he started to chew. "Wow! These are amazing!" he gave a little twirl making Haruhi roll her eyes, remembering the first time they tried 'commoners coffee' and it seemed like she was having flashbacks from a week ago.

"Honey-Senpai! You have to come try these!" The short blond looked over towards the other blond and Haruhi seemingly couldn't resist the temptation and grabbed one chocolate of her own and had her eyes widen, "Wow these really are great." She muttered slightly, her mouth slightly full making her blush slightly, never really talking with her mouth full. The slightly shorter blond to Haruhi's right reached in and grabbed a piece and studied it briefly before popping it in his mouth and his bangs fell in front of his face.

"You made these right?" Tamaki asked as he turned towards the girl who shook her head. "N-No my friends and I went to a bakery that is a couple of blocks from my home. It doesn't seem very popular for some reason though." She said with a small frown. "I even heard the owner is having a hard time keeping it open, though it is a rumor since these are so good." She chewed on another one while Honey looked up and frowned slightly... "These taste better than anything sweet I've tasted..." 

Now that was high praise from the little adult and everyone who heard knew that if it was best, it was, seeing as he eats everything sweet. "How could they be having trouble keeping his bakery open?" He tilted his head at the girl who seemingly blushed. "Well, he doesn't get too many customers, we were there for an hour waiting for our orders and we were the only ones for that hour. Plus his prices are very cheap... That's why I think it's a rumor since... how could something so good be so cheap?" She said as if it was logical making Haruhi frown slightly.

"Well when a shop has low prices then it's either they have a surplus of customers... but then again it could also mean they are trying to sell off as much as possible if they aren't getting customers." She started making the twins grin, Kaoru on the right and Hikaru on the left. "You sure know a lot over sales." She gave them a look. "I had too, I worked young and got laid off sometimes because the shop I was working at didn't get too many customers." She pointed out.

Kyoya nodded his head. "She is right, they might be closing down." Honey turned his head and shook his head. "But they can't! These are really good! I wanna try more things! We should go there!" Mori looked down at his cousin and gave him a pat on the head, knowing his love of sweets couldn't compare to anything else, but it seemed his cousin had a look of worry in his eyes and knew the small blond wanted to meet the owner and talk some sense in him.

"Sure! Let's go after the club!" Tamaki pointed towards the clock and Honey bounded towards the girl. "What's the address?" She began writing it down on a piece of paper before handing it towards Honey who seemed to memorize it and handed it towards Mori. "In an hour then!" He giggled happily before he sat on the couch and swayed his legs back and forth making Mori raise his eyebrow and Haruhi seemingly gave him an odd look.

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