#4 True Feelings

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When the day was over for the host club Zakari slowly opened his eyes to bright light and groaned in slight discomfort of the light and slowly looked up and saw Mitsukuni smiling down at him... he felt his heart race, "Hey Zak-Kun, sleep well?" He asked curiously while the blond laying down seemingly nodded his head dumbly... "I really can't think of a reply?"  "You're comfy..." the mutter that came out made him blush briefly at what he just said. Mitsukuni giggled at that and nodded his head. "Come on, let's go home." He said before he helped him by propping him up on the couch and getting low once again so the boy can climb back on his back.

"This is still oddly comfy as well," Zakari muttered, not meaning to while Mitsukuni grinned at that while Takashi saw him carrying him once again. "He's still hurt Takashi, Can you come and help me in the limo?" He asked with a turn to his head while everyone else gave the two an odd look... "What's going on with them?" Kaoru asked out of everyone's curiosity while Haruhi shrugged her shoulders. "They are close." She stated as if it was the most normal thing in the world... "Yeah... close." ...


When Zakari got out of the limo he gave a thankful smile to Takashi who opened the door and got back into the limo as the driver started to drive once again to the nearby residence of the Morinozuka's. "Zak-Kun?" He turned around to see Mitsukuni looking at him with concerned eyes and he smiled. "It's okay Mitsu...I can walk from here at least." The smile etching his features made the blond blush before turning his head and put out his arm in a gesture for him. "Just so you don't fall." Zakari looked at his outstretched arm and looped his with his own.

They walked into the house and Zakari slowly unwove his arm from Mitsukuni and gave him a sidelong glance and gave a smile. "Would you like anything Mitsu?" He asked making the blond shake his head. "You should be resting... I can grab anything I need okay?" He fretted making the heterochromia boy shake his head. "I'm not as fragile as he said Mitsu-Kun." He said in reassurance but he wasn't having any of it and gave him a look. "Please Zakari... just rest for me." He said looking down at the floor making him frown as he seemed so dejected. 

"...Okay, but can I at least grab us a drink?" He asked making Mitsukuni look up quickly and shook his head, "Nope!" He grabbed the teen's hand and pulled him towards the couch that was in the living room. "We have servants for a reason." He stated making Zakari frown at his words.. "But... I'm technically your servant." He muttered as he looked down at his hands in sadness while the older of the two looked at him with a frown. "Zakari... Look at me please." Zakari looked up at him only to be surprised when he was pulled into a hug, but instead of being in his shoulder, he was in his chest.

"You know... I really don't want you to be labeled as my servant." He whispered making Zakari's eyes widen. "W-What do you want me to be." He muttered against his chest making him smile slightly. "I... I really don't know aha..." He laughed shamefully at that, seemingly confused. Zakari looked up at him, and when he looked down they seemed to be so close... for some reason closer than they usually seem. "Tell me." He whispered so silently Mitsukuni barely heard it.

"Well... I guess... whenever I'm around you, I feel happier, when I saw you hurt today..." He paused with a look of anger and then he looked back down with a small sad smile. "I felt like I couldn't breathe until you were better." He breathed out and then slowly clasped his hands against him making the already blushing boy go darker. "And when I hold you like this, I feel like there wouldn't  be anything else to make me any happier..." He whispered as he slowly leaned his head against his.

"Whenever I joined the host club, I did it out of curiosity... but whenever I entertain those girls, it's just to help my friends... but whenever I make you laugh..." he poked his side making the platinum blond's mouth twitched up slightly. "Or see you smile..." He continued his poke and it was there again and the blond smiled warmly. "I think I like you a whole lot." He whispered before the younger teen's eyes widened before he looked down briefly.

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