#8 Water

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There were a lot of things Zakari was afraid of, he was afraid of his family... he was paranoid over rain for thunder... and he was afraid of water... nothing as small as a cup or even a kiddy pool... but he was afraid of big public pools or in a grander scheme of things, large bodies of water like ponds or even worse the ocean. Something about deep water made him afraid, maybe it was because he was small or maybe it was because his father pushed him into one and almost let him drown if it wasn't for a butler... said butler was the one that helped him with his school studies or even finding his first apartment...

He shook his head as he stared off into the pool as Mitsukuni came bounding towards him happily, "Come on Zak-Kun! Let's get our swim trunks on!" He said happily making Zakari pale slightly at the thought... he would see... and he would have to swim... He slowly followed after the blond, opening the door to see he was taking off his shirt as was Takashi, he slowly went into a stall and slowly took off each article of clothing he had on before putting on his swim trunks... the scar that ran up from his shoulder down to his hip very visible... 

biting his lip he slowly walked out of the stall, he ignored the bright smile of Mitsukuni and just walked out of the bathroom... his fingers tracing his scar like an old habit hard to die off... Slowly he sat down in a chair under a small umbrella and put his knees to his chest... "Why to a water park of all places... his mind wandered back to the end of the school day...

"Zak-Kun! Come on!" Zakari turned slightly out of confusion as Mitsukuni was bouncing on the soles of his feet, "Where are we going?" The platinum blond asked as he closed his notebook and put it in his bag, making sure not to lose it. "You'll see!" Zakari smiled slightly, well it can't be that bad? He had thought as he has gotten into the limo... they had been the first there and all Zakari saw was a huge glass dome... but when he opened the door and walk in he felt his heart sink...

He sighed slightly as he leaned his head back against the padded chair, placing his legs down straight as he closed his eyes... after a few minutes he felt someone poke his cheek and he opened his eyes with a small annoyed look, he saw Haruhi who was dressed in a yellow jacket and he looked at it before looking up at her. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly making him sigh and sit up... "I don't like water parks..." He muttered slightly as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, I don't either. At least there's a snack bar..." she muttered slightly, Zakari nodded his head, the one good thing about it... that is drowned away by all the bad sides. He stood up and walked after Haruhi who was going towards the said snack bar... Haruhi turned hearing the small footsteps and she paused as she stared at Zakari... for a moment the Heterochromia-eyed boy paused before he panicked slightly and he covered his body. "That scar..." the whisper was small but Zakari had heard it.

"I hate it..." he whispered out as Haruhi slowly leaned down towards him with a small worried look. "Is that why you don't like water parks?" He looked up slightly before biting his lip... "You can talk to me about it if you want..." Haruhi trailed off before smiling, "We are friends of course Senpai." The platinum blond opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out before closing it once again, slowly he nodded his head as Haruhi smile.

"When did you get it?" She asked as he slowly moved his hands down so it was in plain sight for her to see. "T-Ten years ago..." He whispered making her frown in worry. "Did... Did someone do this to you?" He frowned at the question. "Not on purpose..." Haruhi didn't like that answer at all as she pulled him a little away when he saw the other bit of the host club chatting away. "Zakari..." She said seriously making the blond flinch... "It... I was walking with my sister Erika..." He whispered out as Haruhi saw him shake.

"It was raining and she... she handed me the umbrella and told me to stay outside... she didn't know..." He shook slightly as he felt a shudder as he pressed his hand on the top of his scar... "I was just walking back and forth in front of the store and then..." Haruhi frowned in worry as he shook. "I was struck by lightning." The look of shock that spread throughout the girl's face seemed to be instant... "I don't remember too much afterward... just knowing my entire family was much more distant with me... besides my grandfather..."

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