#2 A night's sleep

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The first thing Mitsukuni felt when he woke up in the middle of the night was confusion and anger, whatever woke him up would be getting hell from him... but that was when he sat up and rubbed his eyes when he heard the small whimpers behind the thin wall that separated Zakari from himself. He frowned in concern before he grabbed his little bunny Usa-chan from his bed and quickly walked out of his room and turned to the door and opened it quickly to see Zakari turning in his sleep, the small whimpers were increasing in volume and erratically.

"Please..." He whispered as he clutched the blankets and Mitsukuni quickly got closer to him and had to get on the bed, "No... Stop... Please stop." Zakari was muttering making him slowly grab his shoulders only for him to flinch and tried to shove him off but he was shaking him, "Zakari! wake up!" He said quickly, when he snapped his eyes open, the tears finally cascaded out of his eyelids, "Hey, you okay Zakari?" He whispered concerned making him finally choke and sob. "M-Mitsukuni..." 

The cry made the blond boy's heart hurt at the look he was giving him, pure and utter terror. He opened his arms and engulfed the boy in a hug which made him flinch but slowly sank in the grasp, his tears still flowing out, "Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers cutting through the silence. "You would hate me too..." He whispered making him frown and slowly pull away to give him an odd look, "That will be hard Zakari..." He smiled at him making him look down at his hands that were laying on the blankets and sniffed.

"I t-told you why m-my f-family didn't want m-me to be the heir... b-b-but the reason why t-they completely disowned me... I... T-They..." He started to shake again even more erratically than before. "They found out I'm... G-Gay." He bit his lip as soon as he said it, seemingly wanting to shut up anymore talk from him, but it seems his mind made up its mind and ignored his wishes. "Y-You've done so much for me then anyone has my entire life... P-Please... I-I s-should leave..." He slowly tried to get up only for Mitsukuni to grab him and brought him into an embrace once more.

"Your family is stupid." He muttered making Zakari's eyes widened, his tears falling on the other boys' shoulder freely. "Come on... Be polite." Mitsukuni whispered making him choke out a laugh and hug the boy back, him burying himself in the embrace, "T-Thank Y-You." He was muttering it so much, Mitsukuni smiled and slowly rubbed his back slowly, "You okay?" He whispered making him nod slowly as he slowly pulled away, and gave him a look. 

"You don't look okay, is something else on your mind?" Mitsukuni asked, his brown orbs looking at his heterochromia ones. "I... J-Just...  you d-don't care?" He smiled slightly, "It wouldn't change my outlook on you, besides Haruhi once told me that it doesn't matter what gender you are, it just matters what's on the inside, right?" He asked curiously towards the boy who sniffed and nodded his head, "Haruhi is smart.." He muttered silently making him laugh slightly, "Well she IS an honor student." Zakari giggled slightly at that as he looked off distantly in the darkness... seemingly seeing those shadow-like figures in his dreams...

Mitsukuni saw his pained facial expression and rubbed his arm slightly. "Do you want me to stay?" Zakari looked up at him quickly and his lipped trembled slightly, "W-Will you?" He whispered hopefully making Mitsukuni smile at the boy and nodded. "Here, I even brought Usa-chan!" He said smiling and gave it to the boy making him smile at the pink bunny. "It's so cute." He whispered making the blond grin and nodded his head. Mitsukuni slowly grabbed the blanket that seemed to be tossed around and pulled it over both him and Zakari.

"Come on, let's go to sleep." Zakari sniffed one more time and nodded his head and brought the bunny to his chest while Mitsukuni was across from him and gave him a quick smile once more while Zakari's eyes drooped sleepily he slowly leaned forward and kissed the blond on the cheek, "Good night, Mitsu..." He whispered making said Mitsu has a small blush make his way to his face and he leaned his head against his. "Good night Zak..." Mitsukuni whispered back as he and the other got closer before he had his arms around the platinum blond in his sleep.

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