Journey Up

77 3 1

Garnet's POV

Me and Opal found some kind of civilization, it's not the best but I've never seen this place before.

We walked towards the place and stayed close to each other, people gave us looks not of disgust or confusion

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We walked towards the place and stayed close to each other, people gave us looks not of disgust or confusion.

More so looks of lust I guess, I just wanted to go home and I bet Opal did too. As we walked I felt heat leave my body, and Opal's normally freezing ora was gone.

"Did you feel that" i asked her quietly as we walked "what do you mean" she said looking forward.

"Feel like something left you, like something is mis-" I was cut off when Opal pulled me into an alley "Jade's here".

I could hear the fear in her voice "it's okay Opal, I won't let him take you", I grabbed her hand and she squeezed my hand a little.

I pulled her in the opposite direction of Jade, we ran by food stands in the process.

I let Opal run infront, and I grabbed two backpacks as I ran by food stands and filled them with various foods.

All while still running of course, I slipped one bag on and gave Opal the other. "We could go to the mountains, it'll be a while and we'll get a better view on where we are".

Opal noded and we ran out the town and towards the mountains.


We got to the mountains and it was freezing, normally we wouldn't feel weather.

As we walked Opal fell to her knees "G-Garnet I-I-I can't g-go o-o-on", I walked over and took her bag and put it on my back.

I knelt down and lifted Opal up and held her bridal style, I forced myself to keep going up and up.

It started getting harder to breath and I felt light headed, I looked back and I couldn't see the town anymore.

This buzzard needed to stop for like a minute, I walked further only for the snow to get deeper. It came to a part we're I'd have to balance to get across.

I placed Opal against the mountain and took the two bags off "Opal I've gotta get the bags across, I'll come back".

I gave her a gentle kiss as she curled into a ball and shivered in the cold.

I held my bag infront of me and walked towards the ledge, I gulped and looked at it

I held my bag infront of me and walked towards the ledge, I gulped and looked at it

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^this but with WAY more snow and a blizzard^

I took a deep breath and pushed my back against the rocks, I slowly moved across the rocks. The wind blew hard so I had stopped moving hopping I wouldn't fall.

I slowly started inching my way across until I heard a loud crack. I froze in place, all I could here was my own heart beat.

I slowly stepped to the side and heard loud cracks, I couldn't see due to the blizzard but I reached the other side.

I took a deep breath "now to go back and get the other bag".

I started on my way back only to lose my footing, I slipped but grabbed the ledge. I looked down at the long drop, I shuffled arcoss and climbed up once I reached the other side.

I ran to Opal who had snow almost covering her, I panicked and threw the snow out and lifted her up "Opal, hey it's okay".

I glanced at her bag and picked it up, I looked at the thin ledge "this is stupid" I stepped on the ledge and heard a crack.

"Opal please don't wake up, or try not to move" I slowly shuffled arcoss and I saw the other side. I felt something move down a little, the ledge was about to give out.

I kinda ran sideways and jumped to the other side, I looked back and saw the ledge collapse. I looked at Opal and sighed "made it".

I lifted our bags and put them both on my back and carried Opal bridal style. I looked up the mountain "still long ways to go".

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