𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 [ɴᴀʀʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ]

770 18 10

Nobody was surprised to see the two younger members playing roughly with each other. They had been warned many times that it could go wrong, someone genuinely hurt or a true fight. A fight between them was the worse thing for everyone, the two boys trying to get help from everyone to mend their arguments.

Unusually, the two youngests had been fooling around. Jimin would usually record them or watch them, just in case. But he was too busy hanging out with Yoongi and Hoseok in his room. It started when Taehyung started tickling Jungkook, making the younger try to return the favour. The game started getting a bit out of hand, hands and feet going everywhere, laughing and agressive movements that truly meant no harm.

"Guys, you're gonna get hurt. Cut it out before it gets worse," Namjoon said, even though he didn't want them to stop since it was funny to watch, he was the leader and needed to make sure they were safe.

He was ignored, Taehyung and Jungkook just kept play fighting. Everything got worse when the youngest of the pair grabbed a pillow and whacked the older with it in the face. Taehyung fell back and covered his face. There was a thump as he hit the floor.

"Ha! That's what you get for trying to ann-" His laughter stopped abruptly when he heard sniffles coming from the older. It was less than a second before he fell to his knees, next to the crying male, cradled him in his arms and whispered apologies. A frown etched on  his face, it had never been his intention that it got so out of hand.

"Tae, what's wrong? I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I love you, baby. I'm sorry!" Jungkook said, grabbing Taehyung's hands, only for them to be pulled back. The younger had never felt this guilty, it was his precious boyfriend who had gotten hurt,

"I'm fine, Kook. I just got whacked in the nose and it hurt," Taehyung said, a little bit later after he calmed his sniffling down. He looked up to his boyfriend who had lied down to cuddle him from the back in the ground. Turning around, he pressed a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's lips. Not wanting him to feel bad for accidentally hurting him. They were just playing, they just had to be a little more careful with what they do. He wasn't mad, his nose just hurt a lot.

"You know I would never try hurting you, right? You're my most precious person in the world. I hate that I caused you to be in pain," Jungkook responded, his voice still a little bit uneasy. The guiltiness in his stomach only grew as he saw his boyfriend's face. A beautiful shade of pink, some crystalline tears gathering in his eyes, only to drop down slowly. As if racing, who would reach the floor first? Breathtaking was the first word that came to his mind every time he saw his boyfriend, it never got old. Soft and yet hard features, males and females envying his heart, even his body.

Taehyung's tears were like glistening crystals falling down his cheeks and onto his clothes, getting soaked by the material. He didn't want to keep crying, as it would only make Jungkook feel worse, and his nose wasn't hurting anymore. His eyes wouldn't stop watering up, it was the normal reaction to when his nose was hit.  He decided to just kiss his boyfriend gently, to distract him from the water in his cheeks. Going down to Jungkook's neck and hiding his face there. One of his favorite spots to be.

Other members had gathered on the other side of the room to watch the scene unfold. Yoongi groaning when he realized there were gonna be no fights, he had gotten out of bed for nothing. He just grabbed Jimin's hand, who was tearing up, because of how fast time flies. It felt that not long ago, they were children. And Hoseok's, who was close to tears because those were his precious babies once. Seokjin and Namjoon just held each other's hands, seeing as their "babies," were no longer so small.

The mentioned couple knew the others were staring, but they were lost in each other, so they decided to ignore it, still laying on the ground. It was cold, but the warmth coming from each other's bodies gave each other was enough to let them withstand the cold room. Long enough for them to fall asleep, curled into each other. If you looked from far away, it could have looked like it was just a tall person sleeping there, in a very weird and uncomfortable position.

Knowing that their promotions had just recently ended, and were left with the exhaustion of endless practicing, Yoongi told the others to let them rest. Making sure to leave them some food, they left and gave the couple some privacy as they cuddled on the floor, drifting more and more into their dreamland.

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