
3K 78 1

The air was thick with smoke coming from the small, lit cigarette. The giggling, curly haired boy closed his eyes and breathed it in. He loved the way the smoke filled his lungs completely. The owner of the cancer stick smirked, while grabbing his giggling boyfriend's hand.

"Tae, what's so funny baby?" Taehyung looked up at his smirking boyfriend,"Nothing Kookie, just thinking...".

The "Kookie" man raised an eyebrow at the answer given to him. "Oh really? My baby boy is going to be secretive with me, huh?"

Taehyung stopped skipping and turned towards his boyfriend with wide eyes. "No Kook, I'm n..n.not being s..s..secretive! I promise!"

Jungkook laughed and cupped his boyfriend's cheeks. "Calm down baby, I'm not mad at you." Jungkook placed a kiss on Taehyung's nose and then his lips. Taehyung giggled, "Promise"? "I promise baby boy. Now, let's hurry up. I'm freezing out here."

The street was empty and the street lights did a poor job of lighting it. The two lovers walked hand in hand, one of them skipping and the other being dragged behind him. Jungkook was tired of having his arm almost pulled out of socket, so he let the giggling boy run ahead of him.

The cigarette was almost burnt all the way down by now, so it was thrown on the ground and stepped on.

Then a scream was heard from the giggling boy. The scream was not one of excitement, but one of pure terror. Jungkook hated that scream, that one scream that sent shivers down his spine.

Jungkook looked up and met the tear filled eyes of his screaming boyfriend. He was shaking uncontrollably, but the main sight that filled Jungkook's eyes was the sharp blade pressed up against his baby boy's neck.

All Jungkook could see was red. How fucking dare someone even touch Kim Taehyung. HIS Kim Taehyung.

"Hello Jeon Jungkook, long time no see...", said the owner of the knife.

"Kai, what the fuck do you want?" Anger was very present in the tone of his voice.

"Oh, you didn't want to see me, old friend? I thought I told you I would see you soon.." The knife Kai was holding to Taehyung's neck getting closer to the skin. "You see, I was very upset about how things ended last time we were together."

Jungkook laughed coldly, "Oh yeah, how I fucking cut the head off your stupid, piece of shit brother? Yeah, I remember."

This made Kai tense up and Taehyung's eye to widen. Kai pressed the knife closer to Tae's neck, cutting it just enough for a bit of blood to fall.

"K..kookie.. I'm..s..scared.." Jungkook was furious. His mind shut off completely. No one touches HIS Kim Taehyung, nobody.

Jungkook runs at Kai at lighting speed, catching him and Taehyung off guard. Jungkook sweeps Kai's feet out from underneath him, causing the knife to fall on the hard pavement. "Taehyung, move. Now."

Taehyung follows the given instructions and runs to a safe distance. He knows not to bother Kookie when he is working.

Jungkook reaches to grab the knife, but Kai is closer. Kai is able to pierce through Jungkook's jeans into this thigh. The cut was deep, drawing a lot of blood.

Kai raises his arm to strike a second time, but Jungkook is faster. He dodges the knife and hits Kai's exposed stomach hard. Kai stumbles backwards trying to find his breath that was knocked out of him. Jungkook punches him in the jaw, hearing a slight cracking sound.

Kai regains his balance and attempts to swing again, but Jungkook grabs his wrist. The knife is making its way closer and closer to Kai, but then a noise is heard in the distance.

Jungkook knew this sound, it was very familiar to him. Very familiar.

Kai was distracted by the sirens from the cop cars, so this gave Jungkook an advantage. He elbowed Kai in the stomach hard causing him to fall down losing grip of the knife. Jungkook limped over to it and kicked it to the side.

He walked over and grabbed Kai by the shirt collar. "You touch him again, I will fucking rip your head off and shove it up your ass."

Of course he said it in a whisper so his baby boy wouldn't hear him.

Jungkook headbutted Kai, knocking him out. Jungkook fell to his knees, his leg becoming unbearable.

Then he heard soft whimpers coming from behind a few discarded boxes. "Tae baby, come out. It's over."

A quiet set of footsteps could be heard. "Kookie! You are bleeding!" Tae fell to his knees too, hearing the sirens of police cars getting louder.

" Baby boy, you know I love you right? I need you to listen to me. Run and tell Namjoon what happened. Tell him everything, okay baby?"

Taehyung was crying, no more like sobbing. "No K..kookie! I'm not leaving you! You p..p.promised to nev..v..ver leave me! Don't leave!" Tae had his arms wrapped around Jungkook's shaking body.

"No Taehyung. Go now. Do not disobey me." The cop cars lights could be seen in the distance. "Now, Taehyung!"

Taehyung got up and started running in the opposite way of the sirens. He couldn't see anything but blurry lights. His tears blocking his vision. He just kept running. He turned around and saw Jungkook's body fall on the hard pavement.

Tae rounded the corner after running for ten minutes straight. His chest was heavy, but not from the running. He couldn't breathe. His lungs could not find air to fill them.

"Kookie ...I..I...want my Kookie..."

Taehyung woke up screaming again.

It was the same nightmare he had been having for months. Two months to be exact. He couldn't breathe or stop screaming. This one was more detailed than the last ones had been.

The door to his room opened and banged against the wall hard. Taehyung did not even notice the smaller male enter his room.

"Tae! Taehyung! Snap out of it! Breathe... breathe." The smaller male grabbed Taehyung's shoulders breathing with him.

By this time Taehyung had stopped screaming and just sobbed. He hated crying all the time. He just wanted it to stop. "Tae, are you okay?"

Taehyung finally noticed the small man in the room with him. "J..J..Jimin I had t..t..the dream a..a.again...He was Kookie was there..." Jimin pulled Taehyung close to him. "Shhhh.. Tae just breathe okay. It was just a dream, you are safe." "But Jimin, wasn't a d..dream." Jimin just sighed. "I know Tae, but it's over now. I promise."

Taehyung did not really believe in promises anymore. That ship had sailed.

Jimin stood up to leave, "Will you be okay Tae by yourself?" The teary eyed boy thought about it. He could have Jimin stay with him, but he did not want to be a burden. Jimin already had a lot on his mind.

"No Chim, I w..w..will be okay..y..y." Jimin gave him a small smile and walked out of the room.

Taehyung walked to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. He looked at the small scar he had on his neck from the sharp knife. A bad scar from a terrible night.

He sat on his bed, picking up his phone. The picture was still his background. He was still his background. HIS Kookie was still his background.

Chain Smoke: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now