Chapter 6

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The car ride back was painful. The radio was never turned on and the only sound heard was Taehyung's quiet sniffles. Jungkook was broken. How in the hell was he going to fix this. In the years they had been dating, never once did they fight like this. The tension in the car was thick and cut have been cut with a knife. Once the Mercedes Benz pulled into the driveway, Taehyung jumped out of the car. He ran inside slamming the door hard. Jungkook hit the steering wheel repeatedly. He fucked up pretty bad.

Taehyung walked into their shared bedroom. He threw the bunny plushie on the bed, causing it to fall off. "Oh no Gukkie!" He ran over and picked him up and placed him nicely on the shared bed. "Sorry Gukkie, I shouldn't take my anger out on you." Taehyung sat down on the bed, placing his bunny friend on his lap. "Do you think Kookie still loves me? I really hope so Gukkie. I couldn't imagine my life without him..."

Jungkook walked into the warehouse, clearly pissed off. Yoongi was walking out of the kitchen with a can of Coke. "Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? You look like shit." Jungkook stopped and glared at Yoongi. "Don't want to talk about it, please." Yoongi had never heard Jungkook this broken. "Well...I'm here if you want to talk." Jungkook turned and walked towards the bedroom. The door to the room was shut, so Jungkook knew his baby had to be in there. He pressed his ear up towards the door, listening to Taehyung talk to something or someone. "I just really miss him Gukkie. How can I live without him..." Jungkook opened the door, causing Taehyung to jump up in surprise. "Um...Tae...I'm gonna just grab some pillows..." There was no way Jungkook was going to be able to sleep next to Taehyung tonight. Taehyung didn't look at Jungkook and just watched him grab pillows and leave. This was going to be a long night for him.

It was around 3 am when Taehyung woke up screaming. This time it wasn't loud enough to wake up anyone, but it scared him. He touched the raised scar on his neck. "Kookie..." Taehyung's feet hit the cold floor as he made his way to his destination. Jungkook was not sleeping. He couldn't get his baby out of his head. His mind would not shut off. 'Tae, baby...I miss you.' Then a quick sound of footsteps could be heard in the room. Jungkook was trained to hear even the smallest of sounds. He listened carefully as the footsteps stopped. Jungkook opened his eyes and saw a pair of beautiful legs standing in front of him. He looked up and saw Taehyung standing beside the couch with Gukkie in his hand. " forgot something..." Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a puzzled look. Taehyung then pointed to his puffy pink scar on his neck. Jungkook then realized he forgot to do one of the most important things ever. "Come here baby."

Taehyung sat down on Jungkook's lap and received his nightly kisses and that he was a brave boy. Jungkook was trying to hold in his tears. His baby was very brave. The bravest person he knew. And he broke him. Taehyung felt better after he received his kisses. He got off Jungkook's lap with a little hesitation. "Thanks Kookie..." He then scampered off, leaving the oldest to finally let his tears fall.

The next morning Jungkook was harshly awakened by a glass of water being poured on his head. "What the fuck?" Jungkook was raging. "Get your ass up Jeon. You were supposed to report to me as soon as you got back last night! Namjoon was annoyed and also confused as to why Jungkook was on the couch. "Where is Taehyung?" Jungkook raised up and shoved Namjoon with a lot of force. "He isn't talking to me Joon! Because you had to go and fuck up my relationship! I should punch the shit out of you!" Jungkook raised his fist to punch Namjoon. "Woah Jeon, get your shit together! How did I ruin your relationship? What the fuck happened last night?" Jungkook grabbed Joon by the collar, "Taehyung went with me to the deal like you said should happen. He fucking saw the deal go down Joon! He thinks I took him there to use him! He thinks I have always been using him!" Namjoon's eyes widened, "Jungkook, I did not ruin your relationship, you did. Why in the hell did you bring him. I was not being serious-" Jungkook laughed darkly, "You are gonna fix this Joon. Or I will shove my foot so far up your ass, my toes will be your mother fucking teeth." Jungkook released Namjoon and walked out of the room fuming. 'Why do you let him talk to you like that Namjoon...why?'

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