Chapter 5

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The next morning Taehyung woke up with a faint pounding in the back of his head. Most people would be annoyed by a small hangover, but not Tae.

He smiled to himself as he recalled the events of last night. Sitting up on the bed he noticed Jungkook was not beside him. "I'm right here baby."

Taehyung glanced at the bathroom door where his boyfriend stood dressed in a tight fitting white t-shirt and equally fitting black jeans.

Standing up Taehyung noticed he was only wearing Jungkook's white dress shirt that was unbuttoned and a short pair of pink boxers. Blushing furiously, Tae started buttoning the dress shirt. "Baby don't... you are so beautiful, I love everything about you. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, because baby take my breath away when I get to see you like this. Only I get to see you like this, no one else."

Taehyung's face couldn't have been anymore red, but he let his hands fall, causing the shirt to open more, revealing himself.

It was hard, he had always struggled with accepting his body, but right now all he could think about was what his Kookie had just said.

He turned more towards Jungkook giving him a better view. Tae was working up the courage to respond to his boyfriend, when the door to their bedroom was flung open. The door right next to the the intruder a full view of Taehyung.

"Jungkook you were suppose to be down an hour ago-" Hoseok suddenly fell silent at the sight in front of him.

His thoughts were cut off when Jungkook's much larger frame stepped in front of Taehyung.

Trying to calm himself Jungkook felt his baby's small hand grip the back of his t-shirt tightly and a shaky "Kookie" leave his lips.

Jungkook pushed his tongue into the side of his cheek to keep himself from losing his shit right then and there on Hoseok. "Leave." That was the only thing he was able to get out in the calmest tone possible.

Taehyung had actually wanted Jungkook to get mad, or yell, or do something to show how he really felt. As soon as Hoseok had left the room Jungkook turned around slowly holding Taehyung in his arms. "W..Why d..didn't yell?"

Jungkook wrapped his arms around the smaller boy covering him upon incase anyone else decided to barge in. "Did you want me to?"

There was a long pause as Taehyung thought about it 'Did he really want Jungkook to get mad?' Before he could give an excuse he heard Jungkook say "Don't worry baby, I will personally chokeslam him into the floor if that's what you want.''

Tae let out a loud giggle "No! No! Kookie don't hurt anyone. He just scared me is all" Taehyung said laughing while looking down.

Jungkook made his baby look him in the eye "Hey what did I tell you earlier? No one gets to see you like that, and I'll make sure he knows it." Jungkook gave Tae one last kiss before finishing getting ready, locking the door on his way back to the bathroom.

    "Okay baby you're going to stay here with Jimin and Yoongi for a bit. I have to go work for a little but I'll be back soon" Jungkook trailed off noticing how sad Taehyung's eyes were becoming at the mention of their separation. He held tightly onto his phone in one hand, the other clutching a book to his chest.

Jungkook bent down to Tae's level "Can you be brave for me petal? I promise not to take too long". Taehyung gave a reluctant nod as Jungkook caressed the side of his neck, tracing the slightly raised skin. "Good boy, you can call me if you need to angel". Once again he got nothing more than a little shake of his head.

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