Chapter 1

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The warehouse was in a scene of panic. Some members were rushing around, pushing and shoving each other. Everything had to be in top shape for whenever he arrived.

The warehouse just heard the news that JK was coming back.

The Jeon Jungkook, the most feared man in Seoul. He was arrested and thrown into a maximum security prison for a long list of charges that would go on forever. There wasn't a crime that he did not commit. People feared him and stayed clear of him at all times. There was a rumor that he killed some guy at a club just for looking at him.

No one messes with Jeon Jungkook, besides a certain curly haired boy.

The atmosphere was so chaotic that no one noticed a man walk in smoking a cigarette. The man walked towards the rundown elevator that would lead him to the leader's office. 'This place is still a shit hole..', the man thought as he exited the dangerous contraption.

He inhaled his cigarette getting the most out of his first one in months. He banged on the office door, becoming very impatient.

"Alright, alright come in!" The man threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it. "At least you remembered I don't like you smoking in my office, Jeon."

Jungkook layed down on the leather couch and put his feet up, making himself at home. "I see the place still looks like shit, Namjoon. You really need to get off your lazy ass and fix it."

Namjoon chuckled, "Still the same I see. A huge jackass." Jungkook crossed his arms behind his head, "Yup, same old me". Namjoon stood up and walked to the large window. "How was prison Jeon. Did they treat you well?" Jungkook smirked, "They treated me like a fucking princess Namjoon. How the fuck do you think they treated me? It is prison."

Namjoon was about to say something mean back, he decided to cut to the chase. "Jeon I know it has been a rough two months, but you know the job doesn't wait. The mafia that bastard Kai belonged to think they have the upper hand now that you were thrown in jail. Sorry we can't throw you a welcome party Jeon, but there is business to deal with first."

Jungkook was about to object, but there was a knock at the door. "Come in", Namjoon says. Jimin walks into the room carrying a stack of books. "Sorry to bother you Boss, but Taehyung insisted I bring you these new stories he has read. He says you will just LOVE them." Jimin laughed and then noticed the other male in the room. Jimin freezes in his tracks.

Jungkook stares at the small male with a look of pure hate. Who the hell is this guy and why the fuck did he just say HIS baby boy's name?

Jungkook storms toward Jimin and slams him into the bookcase. "Who the fuck are you? Do not say his name! How do you know him?"

Jimin is struggling to breathe and is kicking his legs around. "Jeon, put Jimin down now!", Namjoon says as he pulls Jungkook off Jimin. "Jungkook calm your ass down." Jungkook turns to Namjoon, fire in his eyes.

"It has been two damn months Namjoon, where is my fucking boyfriend?"

Then a faint pair of footsteps can be heard coming down the hall. "Hey Joonie, did Jimin give you those books? My favorite one is about this boy that..." Taehyung stops in his tracks and drops his strawberry flavored sucker on the floor.

No way this is real. He is gonna wake up at any moment. Taehyung shuts his eyes and shakes his head back and forth. "No this can't be real! Wake up Taehyung, wake up!"

Jungkook's eyes widen. This is the love of his life, the boy he has been missing for months. There wasn't a second he didn't think about his smile or the way he giggled when he saw a pretty flower. This was HIS baby boy, and he was now screaming like he was in pain.

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