Chapter 4

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Jungkook flicked his cigarette before exhaling a small cloud of smoke. He glanced over his shoulder watching a small boy making his way to a bench across from him, a small smile as he watched the baby ducks waddled after their mother.

Jungkook smiled at his childish behavior finding it endearing how much joy he got out of watching the ducks. The boy started to mimic the baby ducks, waddling cutely and slightly jumping up and down as the ducklings made their way into the water.

Jungkook nearly choked when they made eye contact. He had the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen. They were kind and inviting, making Jungkook want to get to know him.

'Focus Jungkook, you're here to murder someone, not oogle at that adorable boy'. Just as he had gotten himself together, he noticed he was no longer alone.

The boy stood about a foot shorter than him his brown hair seemed to be naturally curly with black roots starting to show. "Hi I'm Taehyung! But you can call me Tae."

Jungkook should tell him to fuck off, go away, I'm trying to do something. Anything to make the boy never want to see him again, but he simply couldn't do it. 'The hell is wrong me' Jungkook thought. Before he could stop himself he was already saying "Hello Taehyung, you can call me Kook." A smile slipped past his lips before he could stop it. 'Why am I so nervous'.

    Jungkook stared at the sleeping boy in front of him. He remembered that night clearly. He remembered how Taehyung had struck up a conversation with him without a second thought, he remembered how quickly this boy had stolen his heart.

    "Soooo what are you doing here so late?" Taehyung asked the 'Kook' boy swinging his feet, amused at the way they disappeared under the bench and then popping back out. It was like a game of peek a boo and Taehyung quite enjoyed it, letting a faint giggle spill out of his mouth.

Jungkook didn't think he could be sweating anymore. It had been 5 minutes and this pretty boy had reduced him into a stuttering sweaty and nervous mess. "I.. um..well.. I'm w..waiting for someone."

Jungkook wanted to die at how breathy and pathetic he sounded. "Oh me too! I have a date. My very first one. I think he's almost here!"

Jungkook felt a sudden pang in his chest. 'No. No. No. I should be taking him on a date. No one- wait what the fuck Jungkook? You just met him'.

"When is your date, it is getting pretty late, don't you think?" As soon as the words left his mouth he wanted to take them back. It wasn't worth seeing his smile disappear and his shoulders slump. "W..Well..h..he was to come a f..few hours ago."

Jungkook noticed how much the boys demeanor had changed. "S..Sorry s..sometimes I s..s..stutter when I get n..nervous." Taehyung mumbled out feeling embarrassed. He waited for a snide remark or maybe even a laugh, but instead felt a warm hand grab his own cold one.

"Hey.. it's okay I stutter sometimes too, but it's cuter when you do it." Taehyung smiled "Y..You think" Jungkook gave him a wide grin still holding his hand as he leaned back against the bench "Oh.. for sure TaeTae." Taehyung giggled profusely at the new nickname.

If he could, Jungkook would kick his own ass. This was his baby boy. His angel. He was the only person in the world who could bring out the caring side of the notorious Jeon Jungkook. He was starting to scare Taehyung away from him with all his sudden outburst. He refused to let this happen anymore. He would change if it meant that Taehyung wouldn't be so scared of him.

"Get up." Jungkook said. "What?" Taehyung said looking up at the now standing 'Kook'. "I said get up. I'm taking you on a date. You are way too cute to not be taken out tonight."

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