Chapter 8

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"If you don't shut up I'll kill you before we even get to have some fun" Kai said pressing the gun to Taehyung's temple. He managed to swallow his sobs, still letting his tears fall. All Taehyung could think of was his Kookie's words 'I'll fix brave...I love you...' Taehyung just wanted to be back in Jungkook's arms, that was his home. He had spaced out the rest of the car ride, until suddenly the car turned off. Tae began to panic. 'Now what happens?' He was forced out of the car and nearly drug into a dingy looking house. Kai laughed as he made a small circle around the boy, "Oh my my my, Jungkookie sure does know how to pick him doesn't he." Taehyung shrunk into himself. "I'm too tired to deal with him now, take him to a room." Kai spoke to one of his men. Taehyung was roughly grabbed by his arm and thrown into a tiny room. A thick mattress sat on the floor. Nothing else was in the room besides a scratchy blanket and the window letting in some sunlight. Taehyung wanted to cry. This wasn't his room. His room had Jungkook's sweatshirts everywhere, it had his many doodles he had drawn Kookie, it had all seven pillows he insisted he needed to sleep with. His room had Gukkie, who reminded him so much of the most important thing missing from this room...his Kookie.

"What kind of fucking plan is that?" Jungkook sighed. They had been going on for hours. Nothing they proposed seemed like it would actually work. Everyone was exhausted. Jimin, now bandaged up, was asleep with his head on Yoongi's thigh. "Maybe I should just go alone..." "No Jungkook, we told you we would do this together." Namjoon insisted. "Joon, Yoongs, I really appreciate all you two have done for me. You guys practically raised me. You are my family, and I can't put you through all this. Taehyung is everything to me, and I can't even imagine what he's going through right now." Jungkook trailed off letting his tears fall freely. "If I lose him, there would be no point in living anymore. It sounds childish, I know, but it's true. I'm willing to go in there and die for him. I can't ask you two to do the same." And with that, Jungkook was standing and walking out of the room.

Taehyung whined at the ropes tying him to the chair. "Okay Taehyung. Here's how this is going to work. I ask a question and you're going to answer me, and if you don't" Kai dropped down to be eyesight "I'm going to hurt you until you do." "Where is it that your gang lives?" Taehyung thought for a moment. He hardly ever left the warehouse, much less knew how to describe it. Unfortunately his thinking took too long. Kai smacked his cheek moderately hard. Taehyung was never used to physical abuse, sure as a kid he had his fair share of verbal abuse, but nothing like this. "Let's try that again. Where do you live?" "In a warehouse" "Yeah no shit, where is it!" "On a road with big buildings!" Taehyhung had answered truthfully. All he knew was that it was by many large buildings. This time Kai smacked Tae with his full force, causing Tae to cry out in pain. "Where does Namjoon keep the money?" 'How am I supposed to know? I'm not even in the mafia!' "Um in a bank?" "Is this a fucking game to you Taehyung!" Kai roared harshly grabbing his neck, nearly choking him. "I'm sorry I'm trying... I w..want K..Kookie." "Oh here we go again." Kai had to walk away before he actually killed him. He looked towards his men "Waterboard him." The large men tipped his chair back onto the ground. One man placed a towel over Taehyung's face, covering his nose and mouth. The other man started to pour a bucket of water directly over the towel, causing Taehyung to suffocate. He couldn't get air into his lungs. 'Why was this happening? Was he being bad?' 'I'm sorry I don't know the answers" Tae thought to himself 'They are just too hard for me'. Just as he felt like he was about to lose consciousness he was pulled up. This went on for hours. Taehyung had slipped into his fragile almost childlike mindset, often screaming for his Kookie to come and save him. He was so tired of being brave...poor little Taehyung needed a break from being a brave baby boy.

Jungkook arrived outside the old worn down farmhouse. 'This place really is a piece of shit.' Jungkook turned his phone off, making sure the guys couldn't reach him. He had to do this alone, he had to get his baby back. Jungkook watched as two guards paced back and forth at the entrance. He was going to have to bring out the big guns. He had parked his car far enough away from the house to where he wouldn't be spotted. Jungkook opened up his trunk looking at his selection of weapons to use. He grabbed his sniper rifle with the advanced scope. He positioned it on top of his Mercedes Benz and locked in on the guards. He shot in the head and then the next one fell beside him. 'Fuck yeah.' Jungkook scoped around for any other guards facing the backside of the house. He was clear. He made sure to grab a few more weapons, just in case he needed them. He crept up on the backside of the house. He was quick and quiet on his feet. He got to a boarded up window that was on the second floor. He jumped up onto a ledge and carefully tore the boards away from the window, easing himself into a dark room. He was in, but this was only going to be the beginning.

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