Chapter 2

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By the time the two boys had returned to the warehouse it was dark outside, making it easier for them to return to their shared room without interruption.

Jungkook smiled at the sight of his room, most of his sweatshirts littered the disheveled bed, while their desk held stacks of books that Taehyung had no doubt already read accompanied by many doodles that Jungkook would have to look at later.

Taehyung had already moved to the closet searching for a shirt to wear to bed as Jungkook removed his t-shirt and jeans, exchanging them for a pair of grey sweatpants, and slipping under the comforter. "Baby what's with all the sweatshirts?" Jungkook chuckled, shifting to look at his boy.  A small blush dusted Taehyung's checks as he stuttered out "W..well it h..h..helped me sleep without you.."

Upon hearing that Jungkook got up and quickly crossed the short distance to Taehyung. "Well I'm here now. I've missed falling asleep next to you" Jungkook said softly leaning his forehead against Taehyung's and pulling him into a hug.

Taehyung let himself be led to the bed after changing into one of Jungkook's old t-shirts. He was already starting to doze off when he was pulled flush against Jungkook's front. An arm snaking over his waist and Jungkook kissing the side of his neck whispering a sweet good night.

      "Go Taehyung! Now. I'm not going to tell you again." Taehyung's teary eyes saw the blood on his Kookie's hands as he raised them to push Taehyung away from him. "No no no Kookie don't make me go please!" He pleaded as sobs racked his body. The sight of Jungkook's own blood scaring Taehyung more than anything he's ever had to deal with in his past. "P..Please!"

      Jungkook was awoken by soft pleas heard from beside him "P..Please!"

This had Jungkook shifting to raise himself up on one elbow to see the small tears gathering in the corners of Taehyung's closed eyes. "Hey baby wake up"

Jungkook shook Taehyung's arm while stroking his hair, hoping not to startle him more. Taehyung's breathing became even more hurried and uneven, causing Jungkook to become panicked. "Tae, baby come on wake up. I'm right here. I got you. It's okay baby, it's okay.

Taehyung jolted "Kookie? Kookie? Where are you?" His shaking hands searching the bedsheets as he desperately whined for his boyfriend. His hands were met with Jungkook's as he opened his eyes. Even with tears in his red puffy eyes Jungkook still thought Taehyung was the most beautiful boy he had ever seen.

"Oh baby boy..I'm right here okay? I got you. It was just a dream." Jungkook had moved Taehyung into his lap. He now straddled his boyfriend, letting his head fall into the crook of Jungkook's neck. Their fingers intertwined in a desperate hold for comfort.

After several minutes, Taehyung was growing uncomfortable with the small sweat he had worked up from his nightmare and began to untangle himself from Jungkook. "Kookie I need to take a shower.. 'm sorry for waking you up" Taehyung mumbled partly from his sleepy state and partly feeling bad he had caused Jungkook to wake up.

His chin was lifted up and his lips were met with Jungkook's. It was slow and nothing more than a peck, but it made Taehyung understand. This was Jungkook's way of telling him he didn't need to apologize. "Okay baby. Go shower. I'll wait till you get back." With another small kiss being placed on his nose and then again on his lips, Taehyung was on his way to the bathroom just across the other side of the room with a towel tightly grasped in his hands.

Closing the door he set the towel on the closed toilet seat and turned the water on to warm up. He paused when he caught his reflection in the mirror. The thin scar seeming to glow in the fluorescent light.

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