Chapter 7

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Taehyung giggled as he held hands with Jimin who was leading him to the dance floor. Jungkook was reluctant to let him go, but with one pout from his baby he had agreed. Now he couldn't keep his eyes off of him, he could see Jimin from the corner of his eye dancing at a much more elegant level than Taehyung was. His baby was just too adorable. While mostly everyone out there was basically having sex which each other as they danced, there was Taehyung jumping up and down and twirling in circles. Jungkook couldn't hear the giggles coming from his mouth, but the boxy grin and constant smile were enough to let him know Tae was enjoying himself. He learned forward, resting his elbows on the table and letting a smile rest on his face.

"God he is fucking hot isn't he?" Jungkook's head snapped to the side. "The fuck did you just say Yoongi?" "That he looks pretty hot dancing- Wait no. Jungkook what the hell! I'm not talking about Taehyung. Jesus Kook. I was looking at Jimin." Yoongi gave an exasperated sigh leaning back. Jimin did look pretty amazing out there, and Yoongi decided he didn't just want to watch him anymore. He stood up, about to make his way to the two boy, when a loud gunshot was heard.

That scream. Jungkook knew that scream. It was the one that haunted him in his prison cell every time he closed his eyes. That was his baby's scream. The glass Taehyung had been holding in his right hand was now shattered. Small bits of glass cut his palm, and tears immediately began to pool in his eyes. 'Was this a joke? It wasn't funny. I'm scared. Where's Kookie?' Taehyung turned, and to his relief was met with his boyfriend's chest.

Jungkook pulled Tae towards the bar, and around the corner as the gunshots began. He grabbed his baby's hand. "The cuts aren't too deep baby. You'll be okay." Jungkook knew he had to calm Taehyung down. He couldn't lose his baby to his fragile mindset. "K...Kookie s..s..scared." " I know baby." Jungkook pulled him into his chest, almost covering him completely. He removed the gun from his waist. 'I can't kill people in front of him. He's already shook up enough.'

Jungkook was having an internal battle with himself. "Jeon! We need you out here!" He could hear Namjoon's voice ring out. "Petal...I need you to listen to me okay?" He didn't give him time to answer. "We have to go out there now. It's going to be scary. I don't want to put you in this situation petal, I really don't. I need you to stay behind me. Close your eyes if you need to, just stay with me okay? I'll get us out of here." "JEON!" Taehyung whimpered. Jungkook lifted his head. "Be brave angel. I need you to be brave for me. Just one more time." Jungkook kissed Tae's scar, his forehead, and a sweet kiss on his lips. "I love you Jungkook." Taehyung was scared shitless. He didn't know what was going to happen, but telling Jungkook that he loved him made him feel better. "I love you too Tae, we're going to be okay. Don't act like one of us isn't going to be coming out alive."

The screams of the other clubbers ringing out all over the club. The loud music was turned off and only the gunshots could be heard. "Oh..did we ruin the fun? How sad." Jungkook knew that voice. How the hell could it be him? "Jeon, did you miss me? I really really missed you..."

Jungkook was crotched behind the bar keeping Tae hidden as much as possible. He heard the gunshots stop and the cries of wounded people could be heard. "Come out Jeon, I know you are behind the bar...possibly hiding something or someone from me?" Jungkook slowly moved out from under his hiding spot.

"Kai, you look different without orange on." Jungkook had his gun in hand, just in case he needed to use it. He didn't step too far away from his baby either. "I could say the same thing to you, old friend. But lucky for the both of us, we have our ways." Kai smirked. His voice soundly oddly sweet and untrusting. Jungkook took a second to look at his surroundings.

Namjoon was taking cover behind a turned over table, while Jimin was laying beside Yoongi also taking cover. But the one thing that caught his eye was the traitor standing on the opposite side of the room, Hoseok.

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