Book 3|14 Unnatural Birth Pt 1

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Veronica pov

Some long hours passed and I've never gotten any real food except their little hospital ice which was very good. Ice chips I think they were called , I was still having contractions , I just had one like 15 seconds ago.

Ace sat right next to me through all of it , never even leaving my side , but we both were in deep thought , me I was thinking of baby names , and genders.

The door suddenly opened revealing my parents , Aces mother ,  my best friends , and Jeremy and Amber  , " oh Star " My mother said while embracing me in a big hug that did not hurt me or the babies.  " hey mom " I said while smiling , I was getting kind of nervous who's going to pop up next ?

" Hey sweet heart " my dad said while smiling at me , and I was thankful , because I'm very , very nervous. " Hey V we got here as quick as we could " Alesha said while embracing me in a big hug , " I know hey Axel , Jeremy , Amber , Lilly " I said while smiling , I'm very happy.

" Your so big " Lilly said while smiling at me , but that just made me feel fat , I mean I am but , you get it.

Suddenly my doctor walked back in " Hello I'm doctor Harper , this is Doctor Cooper  you must be her parents ? " Dr Harper asked while looking at my parents  , " yes " my mom replied while smiling.

" Well I'm just gonna check her cervix to see if it's fully dilated she should be at 10 cm now " Dr Harper said while smiling back at my mom , and then started checking me underneath.

" and she is , could everyone that isn't King Hall wait outside , it's time to deliver some babies " Dr Harper asked nicely , then everyone suddenly started leaving out the room.

" okay this is going to feel like you have to poop , but it's only the baby , are you comfortable in that position ? " Dr Cooper asked , " yes " I said while suddenly looking at Ace , and he was still Calm , but quiet , which worried me.

" Okay on the count of three I want you to give me a very big push " Dr Harper said while sitting in front of me , and positioning  my knees.

" 1 ...2... " Dr Harper started , then I felt Ace place his hand in mines , which I didn't know why!

" ....3 " Dr Harper finished , then I started pushing , but I really felt like I was constipated , so I gripped Aces hand pushing more harder this time when she recounted. Which lasted very long , I was sweating , out of breath , is that even a vampire thing ?

" Okay one more Queen Veronica " Dr Harper said , I felt it this time , this was it , my baby was coming , " 1 ...2.....3 " Dr Harper counted again.

I pushed with all my might , squeezing harder on Aces hand , he was really my support system , then suddenly I heard crying. " He's a boy " Dr Harper started , "  King Hall would you like to cut the umbilical cord " Dr Harper said while holding my crying baby.

Ace walked over to Dr Harper and I was just looking , with sweat and tears coming down from my face. Then he was suddenly not attached to his cord , I watched Ace hold my baby boy and I almost broke down but I had to be strong.

" I'm going to get this little king cleaned up " Dr Cooper said while grabbing my son from Ace. Ace walked back over to me and grabbed my hand again , here we go ...again.

" You okay ?  " Ace asked in a very relaxing voice , " mhm I'm tired " then I just got an idea ...magic. I slowly started moving things with my mind , I should have did this at first. I had a connection with my baby , so this should be easy.

I slowly started moving her out of my vagina , ah I hate that word , it hurted like hell so I surely squeezed Aces hand. " Ms Hall is that you pushing ? " Dr Harper asked surprised , but she looked impressed  , but I didn't answer her until I felt my baby girl out of me.

" Never in my 33 years have I've ever saw this " Dr Harper started , " King Hall the umbilical cord  please " Dr Harper said while holding my Melody.

Dr Cooper came back with my son , and placed him in my hands , right after Ace cut Melodys cord he took her to get cleaned up. " He's so little " I said while smiling , " what are we naming him ? " Ace asked while staring at me.

" Definitely not Daniel " I said while laughing , " what about Apollo ? " Ace asked while smiling at me , " Like Apollo 11 ? " I asked confused , " no Apollo God of the sun Ronnie " Ace replied , " oh like your...." I started but was cut off by Ace , " grandfather yes " Ace replied.

" So he's Apollo Kayden Hall the 2nd " I said while smiling , " basically " Ace said while grabbing Melody from Dr Cooper , " and what are we naming her ? " Ace said while sitting down with Melody in his arms.  " Melody Iris Hall... the first " I said while laughing because I was mocking Ace.  

" Okay Dr Cooper is going to stitch you up , I have to go get another  patient situated  , could you fill out this form " Dr Harper
Asked , 30 minutes later my friends and family was all in this room.

" Aww let me hold one " my mother said while grabbing Melody from Ace , then Aces mom grabbed Apollo from me. " There hybrids like you " my mother said while holding Melody.

" How do you know that ? " I asked curiously , but it actually makes sense , " You didn't lose your powers Veronica , you were absorbing magic from the earth  to give to them , plus i  can sense it , they have a fraction of your kind of power , together their a force to be reckoned with " my mother said while smiling at me.

" Hello Melody " my mom said while passing Melody to my dad then I realized she read my mind  , then Lilly passed Apollo to Alesha , " what's his name ? " Alesha asked while smiling at Us , " Apollo " Ace responded , another 20 minutes passed and I was checked out of the infirmary , and I was wheel chaired to our floor.

" Ace did you ever get their room painted ? " I said while holding both of them in my arms , " duh Love their room is right next to ours their door is connected to our room " Ace said while opening a door that was blended in to our wall. Which I didn't even know was their , till now.

" I got it painted grey  , I already got their cribs made which is white , I got the milk stuff , the clothes I actually got a whole lot of both of the  genders , the toys too , and bottles  " Ace said while grabbing Apollo , then grabbed Melody laying her in her crib.

I got up slowly then kissed Ace very passionately , but I realized one thing  I'm healed , which is great considering I'm a vampire , and my stomach even started to go down thank god.

And I'm happy , I'm at my happiest , and my crazy ass cousin didn't pop up yet. Ace slowly tugged on my hair , But I slowly pulled away , " not tonight I'm sleepy " I said while leaving out of Melody and Apollo room.

I had a long night to get through first ....Some hours passed , and I got woken up from my sleep because I heard crying. I got up annoyed because Ace didn't wake up first , but duty calls.

When I walked in their room , I was shocked , no not like shocked that I'm seeing this , shocked like what the fuck ?

Apollo and Melody grew over night , and their eyes was open... " what in the world "
[To be continued]
Sorry I published this late I did a lot of research for this , I'm updating tomorrow since this is part 1 , I made it long for yall lol ! Vote and comment !

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