Book 3|7 He Has A Daughter ?

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Veronica pov

" So how are we going to get to your parents kingdom? " Ace asked while stopping me in my tracks.

Then something in my mind came back to light , I turned around confused , but I was curious also.

" Ace you said you read your father's mind ? " I asked now realizing my fiance can go far beyond his telepathic abilities.

" yeah didn't we establish this already ? " Ace asked looking at me like he was trying to read my mind.

" did I somehow give you a fraction of my telepathic powers , or did I give you all of it ? " I asked still confused , oh forget this I'm just going to use him to do this spell.

" I've been reading mines since beyond your time love " Ace responded but he was unaware that I already did the portal spell while using him.

" There now shut up , and follow me " I said while laughing , men get carried away so easy.

" Veronica , Ace I saw you coming " my mother said soon as we walked through the portal. " How are my grand babies ? "

Mother asked while looking through a collection of books , wow she has a library too !

" Their okay which is weird because I can do a little magic but at first I could not " I responded while looking down at my stomach.

" yeah don't do any more magic until after their born , the same thing happened to me , I don't want it to happen to you " Mother told me , which got me curious.

" I'll tell you another time star , you remind me of your father a lot " Mother said while grabbing a very big book.

" What's that ? " Ace asked while pointing out the big scary black book my mother had in her hand.

" it's a book full of dark magic spells " my mother responded while looking at us , " and why do you have that ? " I asked yeah I know I'm still getting used to this family thing but everyone has secrets.

" it's not mines veronica " Mother responded while opening up the book , " so um " I started but my mother cut me off.

" I want you to study this book Veronica , don't do any spells just study it memorize every spell in this book " my mother said while closing it , and sliding it over to Ace.

" And why is she studying dark magic spells ? You know what it does Vermonta " Ace suddenly said , " I know , and I know what it does to you pretty well Ace but she's here " Mother said while sitting down on a chair.

" Who's here ? " I asked suddenly piecing things together , " Veronica when you banished your uncle you freed his daughter " Mother said while staring at us like she was embarrassed.

" His daughter ? " I asked now feeling like I know something , but truth be told I don't.

" See his daughter was more powerful then him , he was bonded with her so they were more powerful , but she wasn't living at the castle she was living in the human world trying to find you and take your power because you were next in line but she didn't find you , and you didn't know anything about who you were " my mother started while taking her time to get to the point.I

" I don't get it She can't kill me I'm a bloodline Vampire mom " I said while laughing , " Ronnie she can " Ace said while placing a hand around my waist.

" She uses dark magic Veronica , she can take away your witch side , better yet take away your powers and make it her own just so she takes the throne " Mother said while standing up , and it kind of scared me.

" Study the book , I can't tell you who she is I'll be screwing with the time line , and don't do any magic okay , she's going to be watching you so be on your guard. " Mother said while opening up a portal.

" Ace watch my baby make sure she doesn't do any magic , and make sure she studies that dark magic book , she will become the most powerful witch yet " Mother said to us before she gave us a hug and sent us on our way.

" call me if you need anything " My mother said while sending us on our way. I guess I can't do any more magic for the time being.

[To be continued]
So how'd you like this chapter , enough mystery for you ? His daughter is coming , and she will reveal herself just wait on it

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