Chapter one

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Quiet footsteps moved through the soft soil in front of a large building. They approached some shrubbery in front of them before carefully using a gloved hand to push it aside.

They watched the security guard walked past while whistling to themselves.

Once they left they quickly but quietly moved to the wall of the building before pulling out a grappling gun and loading it up. They fired it and zipped up to the balcony area above.

There they opened up a vent and crawled inside, moving through them as quietly as they could. They continued to move through the vents before dropping down and landing on the glass walkway without making a sound.

They stood up and started glancing around at the inside of the building which was a museum, running over their plan for how to do this in their head.

The museum was dead silent and moonlight leaked in through the large mirrors. Security officers wandered around below, their flashlights making it clear where they were.

It seemed like the perfect night for a heist, only a few measly guards between them and their target.

Until the silence was broken with the faint sound of crashing glass followed by a thud.

They quickly turned to see what had happened and froze upon seeing someone else, seemingly dressed ready for a heist, recovering from their drop in.

The person stood up and wiped the shards of broken glass off of them. They looked down the walkway and made eye contact within the other, and their eyes instantly became wide.

They tensed up when they were spotted and narrowed their eyes, standing a bit defensively. "Who are you?" they, a female voice, asked. "And what are you doing here?" She asked quietly, not wanting to be overheard.

"What are you doing here?" The other hissed back, it was clear from their voice and their appearance that they were a man.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Besides, I asked you first!" She hissed in return before huffing. "Whatever, just stay out of my way." She told him, ready to just get started.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" He asked.

"To do what I came here to do. I suggest you do the same if you don't want to get caught." She told him.

"Well I need to go that way too!" He replied.

She groaned. "Of course you do..." She muttered. "What are you even here for?" She asked as she reached in her bag for something.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Cause we might be after the same thing, in which case, we might have a problem." She told him firmly as she walked down the bridge they were on.

He followed her, quickly catching up and going in front of her. "I guess we do have a problem then."

She stopped and looked up at him in agitation. "Look, I'm not telling you what I'm after and you're not telling me what you're after so whoever gets whatever they're after first gets it. Chances are we aren't here for the same thing." She shrugged a little. "Besides, stalling here will get us both caught."

"Exactly. So I'll be leaving now as long as you don't stall me any longer." He continued to walk in front of her.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure... I stalled you." She muttered but let him continue in front of her nonetheless when a guard opened a door and spotted her from the side. "Hey! You! What do you think you're doing here?!"

She paled a little bit and turned to see if he was still here but he had disappeared from sight. 'Crap' She thought to herself, trying to rack her brain for anyway out of this situation.

He heard the guard's voice and paused. He turned to face him but saw that the comment wasn't directed at him.

"Alright, put your hands up!" The guard told her.

She raised her hands out of her bag and in one hand, held a steak she had grabbed.

"Oh, no! Not the old steak trick! I'm not falling for that again!"

'Again?' She thought to herself.

"Hey!" The man yelled from around the corner.

The guard turned, startled by the cry and she quickly lunged at him and swiftly knocked him out and he dropped to the ground.

She looked up at the other before turning away and moving towards the door to the stairs to get to the first floor.

"Not even gonna give me a 'thank you'?" He came out from where he was hiding.

She glanced back at him before proceeding downstairs. "You dropped in on my heist and you expect a thank you?"

"I just saved you from going to prison!"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Thanks." She replied, her voice laced with sarcasm as she continued down the stairs before stopping and looking at him. "Why are you following me?" She asked him.

"Because I need to get to the first floor." He bluntly said.

"Great. So whatever we are both after is on the first floor." She replied, flatly. She sighed before moving to go down the stairs again.

"Yup." The man quickly moved so that he walked in front of her.

She narrowed her eyes at the back of his head. If looks could kill, he'd be very dead on the stairwell. She glanced at the rail beside her and smirked.

Next thing he knew she was sliding past him and then hopping on the railing of the next and last staircase to the first floor. "Bye."

"You-!" He quickly followed after her.

She hopped off at the bottom and started to move into the hall but heard someone approaching and quickly dropped behind a pillar to hide.

He headed over to another pillar a few feet away and hid as well.

She watched carefully as a guard came in the room, approaching and talking to a statue. She carefully reached in her bag, grabbing a small baseball and tossing it back down the hall.

The guard quickly whipped around. "Ahh! I mean- What was that?" He quickly ran after it. "Hey! Come back!"

She breathed a quiet sigh of relief and stood up, looking around the room. What she was after should be in this area somewhere...

The man got out from the pillar and headed down another hallway.

She watched him. 'Huh. Maybe we aren't here for the same thing.' She thought to herself before going back to what she was looking for. 

A Heist with Markiplier: Curse of the boxWhere stories live. Discover now