Chapter Fourteen

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    I'm at the house with my two mates eating dinner. Which consists of pizza, soda, and chips. Looking at the clock I wonder where Traci could be when the doorbell rings. Getting up I practically run into the door trying to open it.

    "Traci!" I squeal pulling her half frozen butt inside.

    She's carrying a bag full of clothes and girl things.

    "Thank you so much!" I say tackling her with my hug.

    She signs and pulls out the scissors she'd been hiding in her coat. Smiling mischievously at them she points the scissors at their crotches.

    "If I find out you did anything to my sister. Your manly hood won't last two seconds against my scissors." She says hugging me and waking out the door.

    I smile nervously at Jason and Rider. Both clutching their crotches.

    "Is she always that brutal?" Rider asks.

    Nodding I laugh at their fearful expressions. I grab the heavy backpack Traci have me and head to the bathroom. Slipping on sweats and a cut off shirt. My hair in a lazy bun I drop my bag in one of the rooms.

    When I walk into the living room their jaws drop from seeing my belly. It is flat as a board, no fat. My chest a medium bump under the shirt. I walk over smirking, but them Rider gets an evil smile and goes into his room.

    Two minutes later he has on nothing but boxers. His chest is smoking hot, having the right dents and muscles in all the right places. My mouth waters and my finger tips tingle as I stare at him. He chuckles picks me up, and throws me over his shoulder. I land with a whoosh of breathe and he's spinning out of control.

    I'm literally going to die here.

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