Chapter forty

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    When I wake up the numb feeling is still there but I don't care as I stare at Jason. His face looks so innocent when he's sleeping, his hair slightly in his eyes. I kiss his forehead and brush back his bangs, in response he stirs but doesn't wake up. Getting up I grab my wallet and keys not caring about anything. In my opinion I should've known better, but I didn't. Walking back over to the bed I shake his shoulders until he wakes up.

    "Jason I............. I want you to come with me to tell Rider that........." My cheeks are flaming I can't even say it.

    "Come with you so you can tell my brother what?" He asks puzzled.

    I look up at him tears streaming down my face. "That you are my mate, you are my life, you are everything to me, and you are my love. That I will stand by you, get married to you, have pups with you, and grow old with you. That I don't belong to anyone but you."

    His face is full of shock. Bowing my head in defeat I head towards the door. To think that a person like him could tame me. I think to myself when a hand slams against the door I was about to open.

    "Turn around and look at me God damn it!" I hear him yell.

    With great effort I turn around, my face hidden behind my hair. Knowing without looking I know he's panting and flushed, his hair probably in his face like normal. What I don't expect is for his hand to cup my chin and pull my face up so I look into his eyes. Those beautiful emerald eyes that don't make me melt, but make me happy.

    "I love you, Jason. And it's killed me everyday. But I love you more than life itself. I love you......" I say crying harder.

    His face is covered by his bangs when he answers in the quietest reply. "I love you more that that Jem."

    My breathing freezes, because he just said it. The words I've been dieing to hear. But what I also didn't expect was for him to kiss me. His lips capture mine with a longing unfamiliar with me. In response my hands tangle in his hair and my body flattens against his. He tastes like honey and feels like the sun. Laughing I kiss him harder letting his tongue slip into my mouth.

     Like a gentleman he only kissed me, but for once I want it to be more. But not right now. I have to take care of this bastard. I think handing him the keys while still kissing. Honestly I don't want to stop kissing him. As soon as we break of the kiss I open the door and get into the car. From there we head off to Riders house.

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