Chapter Twenty nine

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    All I hear is silence and a ringing in my ears. The only things I smell are blood, fire, and gasoline. My ribs are broken but knit back together within seconds. When there fully healed I look over to the drivers side. Rider is shaking Jason hard, his face contorted in pain and fear. But why would Rider feel fear? It was just an accident.

    Nothing could of prepared me for the view of Jason's left side face. His eye is purple swollen shut with glass inbedded in his cheeks. Blood came out of his mouth and the side of his temple. The thing that scared me the most was that he wasn't healing. Werewolves heal when their hurt but he was neither moving nor healing.

    Panic over came me, I rip my seat belt off crashing into the broken glass head first. Ignoring the pain of fresh wounds I rap my arms around Jason's torso and rip his belt off. He falls into my arms and I front from his weight but set him down on the ground as gently as if I was holding a pup. My sanity seems to go out the window, I shake his shoulders scream his name at the top of my lungs. No response?!!! My wolf howls.

    I stop, remembering what I should probably do in this situation. With werewolves their hearts are very resistant so before Rider gets out of his seat I ball up my first and pound it against his chest to restart his heart. The crunching of bones resonates through the car as his ribs break.

Wincing I put my head to his chest to see if his heart is beating. In response to my pounding his heart knocks back in a faint manner.

    A breathe of relief comes out of my mouth. Rider has watched the whole transition in absolute horror. I watch as his features change to relief when he hears Jason's heart beating.

    "Thank you for saving my brother." He says holding me close to his chest.

    Jason's eyes don't open, not when the police and firemen came to pry the doors off, not when we were hauld of in ambulances. Two days later I was discharged, but he still didn't wake up...............

                     *                     *                    *

    I set the vase of sunflowers I had got for him by his bed, tucking my loss hair behind my ear. Every heart beat of his is laboured, even though Rider has thanked me for saving Jason I feel guilty. That not only had I damaged his ribs beyond repair but I'd pierced his liver with one of his ribs.

    The machines by his bed beep constantly, reminding me that not only is he alive but still asleep. It's very rare for werewolves to go into a coma. But it's been a week since he's opened his livley hazel eyes. I miss his eyes and his smile. Laying my head on his hand I trace his veins. Unexpectedly he stirs, my eyes widening when his fingers twitch and move. Thinking this is a dream I turn my head towards his. The once very sleep boy it's awake running his fingers through my loose hair.

    His eyebrows raise in confusion. "What's wrong little girl?" He asks.

    "You were asleep." I say smiling.

    "For how long?" He asks his eyes widening in worry. This has to be a dream.

    "A week." I say that's when I remember Rider. "One sec I got to make a call." I say getting up and walking out the door.

    Dialing his number I wait for him to answer. Me and Rider have grown close over the short time that Jason's been asleep. I would scream in my sleep if I could, my wolf in to much pain to change this full moon.

    "Hello?" Riders sleepy voice says.

    "I might be hallucinating from lack of sleep, but I think Jason's awake." I say, a silence answers from the other end of the phone.

    "I'll be right there." He says ending the call with a click.

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