Chapter 2

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        I quickly grabbed a few sparkling gems. Then I heard something from the darkness.

        "Wh-Who's there?!" It was a lady. She sounded scared and anxious.

        "Nobody!" I quickly replied.

        "Really? Cuz it sounds like somebody!!" She giggled.

        "NOPE it's nobody!!" I quickly made a run for it. She apparently heard my footsteps, turned on her flashlight, and followed.

        I ran for all I was worth. I finally made it to where I wouldn't be caught. At least that's what I thought. I had only a few seconds to cool down before I heard the light footsteps that I knew belonged to the cop that was chasing me. I kept running until I lost her. I knew for a fact I lost her because she had made a wrong turn.

        Feeling exhausted I went home.

        The next morning, I awoke to nothing in my kitchen, so I went to the grocery store to get some stuff so I wouldn't starve. As I was getting some bread to put in my cart, I heard a familiar sweet toned voice ask me "excuse me can you get me a loaf? I can't reach."

        "Sure." I grabbed one and handed it to the figure the voice came from. I looked at the gorgeous woman who had to be a professional model. I looked her body up and down, examined her face. Everything was perfect. Well except for one thing. She had the rare voice of the cop that had caught me last night. In fact she WAS the cop that caught me last night.

        "Uhh excuse me." I finally caught my senses and realized I was staring at her and still holding on to her loaf of bread.

        "Oh sorry..." I said as i released the loaf and she put it in her cart.

        "It's okay." Her smile was GORGEOUS! "My name is Sophia." She held out her hand for a formal greeting.

        "Liam." I said without thinking as I shook her hand.

        "After we're done do you maybe want to go grab a bite?" She, a cop, basically just asked out me, a thief.

        Again, I got lost in her beauty and couldn't control myself. "Sure! How bout at that burger place across the street?"

        "Okay." She smiled at me all dainty then went on with her shopping trip. I mentally facepalmed.

        Why had I said yes?! Why didn't I say no?! I can't get involved with her!! She's the type of person I need to avoid!!

        But her hair... It fell perfectly around her shoulders... And her eyes were so magnificently colored. And her body was pretty nice too. Hourglass almost. But less extreme.

        Why was I thinking this way?! I should be thinking of ways to avoid her!! But I wanted to go to lunch with her. I really did. So I went to the place and sat down after putting my groceries in the car.

        After a while she showed up. She came and sat by me and looked at me. "So is this a famous LA place?" She asked me.

        "No I don't think it is." I chuckled a little. "It's just a typical burger place."

        "Oh. Well I was close!" She giggled.

        When the waitress came we ordered our food and drinks.

        On that date I learned that she is from New York and is visiting LA for a few weeks, her whole family has a whole record of being cops, and her sister Zoe is who she's staying with out here.

        I again had no control over myself. "Hey there's this party I was thinking about going to later. You wanna come with me?"

        "Sure!!" She smiled and wrote her address and phone number on my hand in green sparkly ink. "Call me if you have trouble getting there. I had fun today." She kissed my cheek, leaving me only wanting more time with her.

        But I can't! I'm supposed to avoid her!

                But could I be falling?

Change of Belief (A Sophiam Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now