You Look So Happy

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You look so happy

Pretty wide smiles

And laughter around the room

You found your love

With the "I love you"s

Never looked so delightful

Sympathy suits you

Don't you ever let it go

You changed and I know why

She came and made your day brighter

I am so happy for you

I say it with tears in my eyes

And forced smiles towards you

I want you to feel good

To feel like you deserve love and more

How you are is another thing

Your mind is cleaner

And you look so good

But I can't

I shouldn't interfere

This is not my place

Time flies and I can't move on

Yesterday was the time of our lives

I hate to think in the past

But it is the only thing that I have right now

I lost you

I miss you

I want you back

I love you

And I regret my actions

But you look so happy

I wish the best for you

You deserve this

Don't mind me, I'll find happiness

Someday I'll find someone like you

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