8 suspicious rumors

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(Previously:As Kate was taking it all in there was a booming voice that made Kate jump.
"Hello and welcome to the first tournament of the month!" It was Rajjchs voice.... of course.
"I am your host, Rajjch, and I will be explaining to you the rules of the game.")

Carson stood by the large windows, looking out at the world Rajjch created. Rajjch decided that for the first round he would pick a jungle biome, Carson loved how real and natural it looked.

Carson closed his eyes so that he could concentrate. Most royals dont need scanning boxes to spectate the game. Carson appeared in the middle of the jungle as expected.

Rajjchs voice boomed into carsons ears making Carson wince at the volume. "Hello and welcome to the first tournament of the month!" You could just hear the mischief in the mans voice. "I am your host, Rajjch, and I will be explaining to you the rules of the game."

Carson already knew the games rules but listen anyway. Rajjch cleared his throat then began the explanation. "The game will almost be like musical chairs, except the music will be replaced with this beautiful scenery, the chairs will be replaced with apple's that you must eat, and instead of only 1 apple/chair missing, their will be 3 apples missing. At the end where all the apples are eaten, the three people that did not get an apple will fight, and the first one to die will be eliminated from the game, and will go home."

While Rajjch was talking Carson flew toward one of the contestants to see what they were doing. As Carson got closer to the blonde girl, he swore he had seen her before.....

Rajjch started to talk again. "Now that we have gone over the rules let's introduce the lady's~" Carson was teleported to one of the girls. She had black hair, a short fighting dress, and looked very confident.

"Our first contestant is KC!" KC almost jumped hearing her name said by Rajjch, and looked around. "KC you cant see Carson or me but wave anyway." KC waved with some sass and said "Dont worry Carson I'll get those apples for you" then winked.

Carson was a bit shocked by this but couldn't say anything since Rajjch quickly teleported him to the next girl.

This time this girl looked way less confident and almost looked uncomfortable. "You okay their Cecilia?(little fox)" Rajjch said making Cecilia jump. Cecilia just sighed and said "I'm just, um intimidated by all these girls I guess..."

You could hear that Rajjch was getting uncomfortable "Well, theirs no time for a therapy session Cecilia.... well I guess you already know this is Cecilia so.... Next girl!!" "Wait!" Carson heard Cecilia say. Rajjch made a long annoyed sigh then said "Yes,Cecilia?" Cecilia looked nervous then said "did... did Carson hear me say that I was intimidated?"

Rajjch simply said "Everyone heard you say that." Cecilia looked like she died inside, and before she could say anything else Carson was teleported to the next girl. It was the girl he saw at the beginning, with the blonde hair, and looked very familiar.

She was kinda just standing around, looking at all the trees. "This is Kate! Our 3rd contestant." Kate smiled and waved. Rajjch seemed to be excited about this one. Suddenly Carson had a 'DING' in his head. "Oh yaaaaeeeh your Kate! I completely forgot about you!" Carson said.

Kate seemed to jump at Carsons voice. "Yeah it's me. I'm the one who um, asked to be your Warrior...." Kate was a bit uncomfortable with the fact that now everyone knows that Carson and her have talked before.

Rajjch butted in "Wait, Kate, you never told me you've met Carson." Kate face palmed. Now everyone knew she is really good friends with Rajjch as well. This makes her even more of a target to get rid of her.

Rajjch muted his voice so that only Kate could hear him. "We'll talk about this later...." Rajjch unmuted then proceed to teleport Carson and him to the next girl.

"Since you already know Kate, let's move on to Vixie...." suddenly Rajjch stopped talking. Carson looked around to see why Rajjch would stop talking.

Then Carson saw it. it looked to be a person but not, because it was just static. The silhouette of a human but just a void of static on the inside.

Rajjch made an annoyed sigh "Vixie didnt get into her scanning box. Maybe she wasn't ready..." he mumbled then said with a louder voice for everyone one to hear "Sorry ladys. I think their might be a compilation with Vixies scanning box. I'm gonna try to see what's wrong"

Suddenly Rajjch opened his eyes to the top of his scanning box and opened the lid, then looked over to the side to see Vixie with a knife about to stab Carson....

"CARSON BEHIND YOU!" Carson swiftly turned around and caught the girls arm before it struck. Carson was so surprised and so taken aback that his reaction power kicked in, and what is his reaction power you may ask? well it's the ability to turn anything into stone.

Vixies hand and lower arm immediately started to turn to stone, and soon enough her whole body was rock hard.

Carson turned to Rajjch with a mixed expression of anger and surprise. "What. was. that. WHY DID SHE TRY TO STAB ME?!!" Rajjch winced. "W-well I heard some suspicious rumors-" Rajjch was cut off by Carson "RUMORS?! And you didn't tell me?!" Rajjch was trying to play it cool but you could tell he was curling up into himself.
"Well I didnt want you to back out of our deal, and i wasn't for sure that these rumors were true...."

Carson rubbed his forehead and sighed "What was Vixies rumor about?" Rajjch thought for a second "I heard from somewhere that Vixie was untrustworthy because her Royal wanted to take your throne by killing you, and swooping in when she had done the job..."

It was silent for a second then Carson spoke "Are their any other rumors I need to know about?" Rajjch shook his head "they all have rumors Carson...."

Carson furrowed his brow "So none of these girls are trustworthy?!" Rajjch cleared his throat "Now Carson, some of these girls I know personally, and some I dont, but that doesn't make them untrustworthy. The only way you're going to find out who is, or isn't, is if you keep this tournament going. Plus, if any of them try to kill you like she did, then you can just turn them into stone."

Carson thought it through. if he sent all of the girls home because he was scared, then he would have to face Pokimane and Fits and be humiliated by the whole kingdom. But if he didn't send them home and was just really cautious, then he would face Fits and Poki and not be humiliated......... Theirs also the fact his life is in danger, but he has powers so..... yeah he'll be fine... right?

Carson shook out of his thoughts when he noticed the 10 girls walking into the room. He noticed that they were all staring at the rock solid statue of Vixie. As Rajjch was trying to explain the situation, Carson spotted Kate smirking at the statue. She said something to the statue and turned so that she was facing his direction.

Carson tried to avert his eyes so that she didn't catch him staring but, he was to late, she had caught his eyes on her.

Wow okay crazy stuff is happening here. So I was wondering does anyone like this story? If not I might not keep going with this story. I dont know. I just feel like no one likes it so why keep it ya know? idk. But if you guys do want me to keep this story going then, sweet, I will keep it alive. idk just tell me what y'all want....

well ill see you guys next chapter.... maybe.

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