A Regretting Decision - Part 8 (Choice 3)

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Hey guys, Proxy here! This is the outcome of the third choice. This is gonna be long. And if you are triggered easily by abuse, I suggest you move on to the next chapter. Anyways, enjoy reading!

Ballora's POV.

The child didn't answer my question. I don't know what's going on in his/her head. Does he/she have issues at home? Or is it because she thought they left him/her on purpose?

"(Y/N)? Child, are you alright? What did you mean about-"

"N-Nothing i-it's nothing. I-I just got c-carried away. S-Sorry for y-yelling. . ." He/She lowered his/her head. "Oh, it's alright. I understand." If he/she doesn't want to talk, I won't force him/her. If he/she will talk, I will listen to every word he/she has to say. If I know one thing about children is that they need love, understanding and support from their family.

"Do you want us to take you home?" I heard Ennard ask. "O-Oh uh. . . y-yeah. I-I think I want to go home now." The child answered. "B-But can I s-say goodbye to e-everyone?"

"You may." I answered. "T-Thanks." (Y/N) nodded and ran off. I looked at Ennard who had a concerned expression. "Ballora, are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm alright. It's just. . . (Y/N) was. . . I'm just worried about what he/she said." I answered. "Maybe the kid's just stressed out." He said. "I mean, it's not like every day you get left behind by your parents and meet talking robots." He added. He does have a point though. Many children have visited our pizzeria often, but none of them have gotten this close to us other than (Y/N) and Alex. The two of us stated silent as we waited for (Y/N) to come back.

(Y/N)'s POV.

When I ran off, I tried to stop myself from crying. Why. . . why did I agree? Why did I let them take me back? Why did I say that I wanted to go that h- horrible excuse of a home. I stopped by a wall and let myself slide to the floor. I wiped the tears with my sleeves and let out sobs and hiccups. "H-Hey. . . I can run away and come back here, r-right? I-I'm sure they'll let me stay if I told them. But now's not the right time. . ." I said to no one, besides they wouldn't hear me anyway. After I stopped crying, I got up and walked to Funtime Auditorium.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Foxy greeted. "H-Hey. . ." I greeted back. "What's with the face, kid?" She asked, concerned. I didn't answer her, instead I looked into her yellow eyes, hoping she'd get the message. I don't want to cry again. "Oh oh. Is Ennard taking you home?" Foxy asked. I nodded. "Geez. I wish I change his mind, (Y/N). I don't know you well, but I think you're a fun kid." She added. "T-Thanks, Foxy."

"No worries, kid." Foxy walked over and ruffled my (h/c) hair.  "I hope we'll see each other again. Gets pretty lonely 'round here sometimes." She gave me a toothy grin. "If you're looking for Baby, she's in her auditorium." Foxy said. "O-Okay.." I left the robotic fox and looked for Baby. I saw her talking to the Babyba- no Bidybabs! Yeah. "Baby!" I called out. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey (Y/N)!" She greeted. The Bidybabs hid behind her, they probably don't recognize me. "Everyone, this is (Y/N). He's/She's the boy/girl I was telling you about." Baby introduced me to them. "Hi (Y/N)!" They chimed. "Bye guys.." I murmured. "Bye? Why by- w-wait you're leaving?!" Baby gasped. "B-But, En-" she couldn't speak. The Bidybabs got the idea and their smiles faded away. "E-Ennard said that I'll be safer at home than here." I explained. "Oh, o-okay then. Y-You'll visit right?" Baby looked at me with her green eyes, as if she still wanted me around. "O-Of course I will! You guys are my friends." I answered. She grinned at me and hugged me. "Thank you! Be safe." She said. "You're welcome. And thanks." I returned the hug. I felt the Bidybabs join. It was a nice experience. My parents never hugged me before so this was a new experience for me.

After the hug, I left the group and made my way to the elevator.

"Bye (Y/N)!"

"Come back soon!"

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