Pewds (and some of Cry's) POV

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   Felix felt broken and defeated. He stared up at the ceiling, so many cracks and crevices, so much dust. He was hungry, but had no energy to even get up. He had been on this damn bed for a week now, only getting up once a day to eat. Felix's life had literally become an empty hole of sadness and despair. Felix forced himself to get off his sorrowful butt and get some food, just making half a sandwich. He hadn't shaved for days and took a shower only once.

   Felix was a major wreak. He barely had enough energy to pick up the phone when someone called. Felix stumbled back to his tissue-covered bed and faceplanted on the rags. Ewww, fuckin gross. Pewds thought as he landed on the tissues that covered his bed.

   The bros were panicking now. When Felix managed to even touch his computer, people invaded the youtube comment section, Twitter, and anything else trying to get a hold of the man. They worried, and Felix just wanted to hug em' all.

   Its been a few days since he had that conversation with Cry about the convention. I hope he isnt mad about that. Pewds thought. This whole time Felix got tons of calls, he ignored most. Some from Ken, family, and a shit ton from Marzia. The only times he answered was when Cry called, because he was the only one who could make Felix's hurt go away.

   These last few days have been even more stressful of Felix's mind, Cry had been short with him. When they talked, Cry was quick and to the point, like he was hiding something. It made Felix wonder what was going on with his friend. With only one thing on his mind, Felix fell into a deep sleep and hoped to see Cry again.


Cry's POV

   The plane ride didn't feel long at all, but that was because Cry was asleep almost the whole time. It was quite nice actually, everyone was quiet and the chair was comfy. That's when he fell asleep.

*The Dream*

   Cry was running, but he didn't know why. He kept running, occasionally stopping for a small break. This place was warm and inviting, yet scary and empty. All he could see was a large feild for what seemed like would never end. Cry turned around to face what he had been running from. But nothing was there. Where am I? Cry kept asking himself.

   He then turned back around to find Felix standing right in front of him. "Felix! What are you doing here?"

   Instead of answering, Felix just walked away.

   "Hey! Come back!" Cry yelled.

   Felix seemed to get farther and farther away while cry ran to catch up with the man.

   "FELIX!" Cry yelled.

   Before Cry could even yell again, Felix disappeared into a cloud of fog. Cry ran into the fog and couldn't find him.

   "Felix! I-I," Cry started to shout. He tried to talk, but his emotions began to pour out.

   "I-I," Cry wanted to tell Felix something, but had no idea how to say it. He was afraid of loosing his friend, and kept his feelings quiet for so long. Cry didn't want it to be a seacret anymore. So without hesitation, Cry cried out.

   "I love you!"

   Everything began to fall and collapse. Did he just make a mistake?

*End of Dream*

   Cry woke up, startled and afraid. He was blushing, his heart was pounding, and was breathing heavily. He could never confess his feelings, even to himself. With fear striking his heart, Cry knew that he could never tell Pewds his secret. He could never tell his best friend that he was in love with him.

How to fall in love (a pewdicry fanfic) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now