Cry's POV

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Cry woke up to see Felix lying next to him, sound asleep. A grin crept across his face as he bent down and kissed his forehead. Felix mumbled a bit, but was only half awake. Cry chuckled and got up to go to the kitchen. Whats for breakfast today? Cry wondered.

He opened up the cupboard and grabbed a box of cereal, then a bowl, a spoon, and the milk. Cry finished making his cereal and put away the milk and box.

He sat down at the table and went to take off his mask, realizing it wasn't there. Oh, that's right. I took it off, for felix.

Cry's heart was pounding rapidly every time he had thought about Felix, and the moment they had first kissed.

The softness of his lips, his messy blonde hair, his bright blue eyes, he was perfect all the way around.

Cry noticed, he was staring at an empty bowl. Well, I guess im finished. He thought, then chuckled aloud.

"And everywhere, countless people are swooning because of your laugh." Felix laughed as he walked around the corner.

This startled Cry, and he whipped his head around.

"Damn it Felix! Scared the shit outta me!" Cry shouted.

Felix laughed and hugged Cry.

They were a happy couple, It always seemed as if being together made time stop.

"Pewds?" Cry started.

"Yeah?" Felix returned.

"Kiss me again." Cry breathed.

And without hesitation, Felix tilted Cry's head up, and passionatley kissed him. Cry dropped the spoon he held in his hand, and it loudly crashed to the floor.

Time was frozen, everything simultaneously stopped.

"F-Felix, I love you." Cry stuttered.

"I love you too." Pewds smiled.

The two made it over to the couch, where Cry snuggled up to Pewds and they watched T.V.

He wanted it to always be this way. But what was gonna happen when Cry had to go home? What would happen to their recently formed relationship?

"Wait. What will happen when I have to go home?" Cry asked.

There was a moment of silence. Felix seemed to stop and stare into Cry's wide eyes.

"I-I don't know." He finally said.

Cry's vision was blurted out, tears were forming.

Felix saw the tears in his eyes and grabbed Cry's hand.

"Stay here." He breathed.

"But my house, my family-" he was interrupted by Felix.

"They would understand. Live here, with me."

"I-I," Cry stammered.

He looked up into Pewdie's wondering eyes, hoping to get his answer.

"Felix." Cry talked.

"Yeah?" Felix replied almost instantly.

"Yes, I will stay." He laughed.

The biggest smile crept onto Pewds face as he leaned over and kissed Cry's maskless face.

Cry's face turning crimson red, returned the kiss.

The beating of Pewdie's heart was enough to put Cry to sleep, it was so soothing and comforting. It made him want to get as close to Felix as he could, but he already was. The soft thumping of his chest, the sound of his slow and steady breath, it was all Cry ever wanted. And he never knew it would happen, especially that quickly.

Cry was busy resting his eyes and cuddling with his love.

Felix's hand was on top of Cry's head, softly caressing his brown hair. I want it to always be this way. Cry thought.

"Me too." Felix replied.

Cry was startled, how did he know that Cry thought that?

Felix chuckled when he saw the confusion on Cry's face. "You said it aloud." He whispered.

Cry's face then turned red again, he was flustered.

"You're so cute when you get embarrassed." Felix breathed silently, his sweet accent sending chills down Cry's back.

Cry always told himself that he never deserved this luxury, that his love was an illusion. But this was real, this is what is was really like. And he loved it.

Cry had no idea of what he was gonna do about his stuff and moving into Felix's house, but as of right now, he cared about nothing but him and pewds.

Making videos together, getting to spend every moment together, he might even reveal his face to his numerous fans.

There seemed to be a slight draft in the room, and without a mask to cover his face, Cry felt bare. Everything was different now, and he never knew that he would ever get to love his best friend.

He wanted to stay in this moment forever, never to stray appart from his one true love.

His hand crept up and fell onto Felix's soft cheak, oh how he needed to be the one to kiss him first-

A soft knock at the door...

A scowl appeared on Felix's face, he didnt want to get up and open the door when he could just cuddle with Cry.

"It's okay, I'll go with you." Cry said with a warm smile.

Then the scowl on Felix's face disappeared, and was replaced with the same warm expression.

"Good." Pewds started to laugh and gave an evil grin.

Cry think that he knew what it meant. Pewdie grabbed his friend and threw him over his shoulder.

"Pewds! Put me down! What the hell!" Cry laughed. He was annoyed, but he also enjoyed it.

Felix carried him to the door, to then put him back on his feet so it wouldn't be so akward when he opened the door.

"So, who is it?" Cry asked impatiently.

Felix shrugged and looked through the peep hole.

"You won't believe me." Pewds replied.

"Mabey if I could see, I would believe you." Cry smiled.

"Fine, just look and try not to laugh." Felix moved out of the way and giggled a little.

Looking forward, through the tiny hole, was a man with a scraggly beard and a bear hat. This only made the two laugh uncontrollably.

"Crap, who invited Ken?" Cry chuckled.


Im so sorry that I haven't uploaded in a long time!!! I started my other story and I kinda ignored all of my other stories... Sorry!!! But anyways, here you all go, the new update! So I just brought Ken into this So, Happy holidays, and I plan on updating in the next few days to a week. I've been busy and have no idea when ill get time to write, so I will use any free time I get to type type type!!! Love you guys!!!


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