2. Visitors

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They were all sitting on the couch, when Faith and the potentials walked into Buffy's former house.

"Hey, C," Faith greeted.

"Faith," Cordelia greeted, standing up and going over to hug the Dark slayer.

They pulled away, as the other Scoobies stood up.

"These must be the potentials," she guessed, looking at Faith and then to the group of potentials. "Welcome to Sunnydale."

Everyone excluding Faith, the potentials, and the Drama Queen waved.

"Welcome. This is Dawn's house now," Anya said.

"We live here too, now. Tara and me. We take care of her. Cordelia, too," Willow announced.

"Why don't we all get to know each other. Let's all sit in a circle and get to know names."

"Yeah. We should totally do that," Willow piped in.

So, that's what they did.

"Who wants to start?" the former Queen C asked, looking around.

Everyone was silent.

"How about we start with the Slayer line?" she suggested. She looked at her ally. "Faith?"

"Of course, C."

Faith Lehane looked at the potentials.

"I'm the Slayer after Buffy. My name is Faith Lehane. What else do you want me to say? Everyone knows all about me."

"Good, Faith. Next."

"Hey, guys. My name is Canadae. I used to live in New York."

"My name is Chloe. I'm from Virginia."

"My name is Molly. I like to write."

"My name is Amanda, and I hate homework.

"Don't we all," Dawn commented.

"My name is Eve. I'm a big reader."

"I'm Kennedy, and I hate school." Kennedy then looked at the Chinese girl. "And that's Ching Chang. She's from China."

"Okay. Our turn," the former Queen C said. "Will?"

"My name is Willow. I love computers and research. I'm also a good witch. Tara here is, too. We're together," she finished, entwining fingers with one another, and smiling at each other.

"I'm Xander, and I love my girls here. Okay. I know how that sounded. I meant as friends. Well, except for Anya over there. We've been together for almost four years. And I love to break the bad moods with my jokes and humor."

"I'm Dawn and I love to write, hate homework, and hate school. Buffy was my elder sister. She risked her life to save me and protect me from danger time and time again. I was the Key for Glory to go home, but I don't know whether or not I'm the Key for other things, too. I always wanted to be like her, ya know? Buffy was my role model. Now she's gone. I'll never see her again."

She looked at the floor and sighed.

The former Queen of Sunnydale High hugged Dawn close in comfort. She knew how it was to miss someone close to you.

"It'll be alright, Dawnie. I went through the exact same thing with Doyle, when he died."


"You're welcome."

She let go.

"I guess it's my turn. Isn't it? Well, I'm Cordelia. I'm very known around these parts and LA. I was born and raised here. I was a spoiled brat and total bitch in Sunnydale High. I was hated and feared by most people in high school. I was horrible when I was rich and popular. I wasn't so bitchy when I became a Scooby and Xander's girlfriend. We broke up for the second and last time right before graduation. After graduation, I left and went to LA. I was going to be an actress, but I failed. Instead, I ran into Angel and Doyle. Angel was Buffy's first lover. Doyle was a hybrid with visions. After Doyle died saving all of LA, I got his visions. I became a Seer. I recently gave Spike the visions. I'm normal again."

She looked at the former Vengeance Demon.

"Anya, your turn."

"Right. I knew that. I'm very known throughout the supernatural realms and dimensions as Anyanka. I used to be a Vengeance Demon until I lost my powers a few years ago, when Cordelia made a wish and Buffy's Watcher destroyed my amulet. I was a Vengeance Demon for a thousand and plus years. Now I'm a human and Xander's girlfriend. We almost got married, but he decided at the last minute that he wasn't ready. Also, I've been known to talk too much. If you need to know anything about demons and so on, I'm the person to ask."

"Okay, Anya. They get it."

"Yeah. We get it, Anya," Kennedy agreed.

"Now that we all know each other a little bit, what's coming?" Cordelia asked, looking at the last Slayer.

"Something big," she replied.

The Adventures Of Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris vol.3: Pure EvilWhere stories live. Discover now