5. Injuries

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Kennedy opened the door for the others, as they walked in.

As soon as he saw them holding his ex up, he hurried to their side.

"I'll take, Cor. An, start searching and helping with injuries. Andrew, come and help me out here," he told them.

So, that's what they did.

Almost as soon as Xan layed her down on the bed in Buffy's former room, she started to come to.

Andrew stood beside him and watched him tend to a scratch on her forehead.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

"Yeah. I do. She means the whole world to me."

He finished up with her cut.

"I can tell. I mean, I've seen Angel and Spike of how they treat her. But you? Nothing compared to that. They're just protective. You, I don't get."

"You gotta know me to get how much I care for Cor. She and I go way back. Even dated in high school for a few years."


"Yeah. I know it."

"Is that you, Andrew?" she questioned, as everything started to come into focus.

"Hey. Welcome back to reality."

She sat up and then reached over to playfully push him back a tiny bit.


"And I'm proud of it, miss."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Miss? How about Cordy?"

"Okay, Cordy."

"That's much better."

As they descended the stairs, Xan gave them an announcement.

"Look who's back."

They all smiled at her.

"Everybody okay?" Cordy asked, looking around at the assembled group of not very injured potentials, friends, and the only existing slayer.

"Five by five," Faith announced for all of them.

"Good. We'll all rest for the night. Tomorrow is training session. These girls need to learn how to defend themselves with and without weapons. You got me? It's late and we're all sore and tired. Will and Tara can hand out pillows, blankets, and sheets. Anya and Dawnie can assign places for everyone to sleep. If you guys get hungry, go help yourselves to the kitchen. Faith, take Buffy's bed. You're sore and hurting. I can see it."

The Adventures Of Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris vol.3: Pure EvilWhere stories live. Discover now