6. Training

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It was a gorgeous day, as Faith showed them moves like you would in a karate gym. Cordy and Xander stood on the back porch to watch.

"They're good," she commented to her ex-boyfriend.

"They learn fast," he commented back.

"It's still not enough. No matter how hard we train them, or how fast they learn, not everyone will make it through this battle. Some won't make it out alive."

"I know what you mean, Cor."

She sighed.

He put an arm around her.

"At least you'll still have your friends, or in this case, family."


"You're very welcome."

A few hours later, everyone was downstairs in the basement, the potentials lined up the same way.

"Okay. Half of you guys will practice techniques and skill with Faith. The other half will come practice different techniques with weapons with me. Don't be afraid to give it all you've got. Don't hold back."

Kennedy, Canadae, Chloe, and Chang lined up in front of Faith, while the others did likewise in front of the former May Queen.

She took a stake from on top of a chest.

"Amanda, you're first. Have you ever held a stake before? Any of you?"

She looked at her group.

"I have," Eve announced.

The others shook their heads.

"Okay. Watch and learn."

She walked up to them and showed them how to hold and use one. She gave Eve one, too.

"Okay. Now for some action. Amanda, I want you to come after me. I'll be using what vampires use. Strength, skills, and senses. You have to try and outwit me. Remember. Stake through the heart. Got it?"

Amanda nodded.

The former May Queen stepped backwards a few paces.

Amanda lunged at her and She went forward, and they both landed on the floor. Amanda put the stake to where her heart was.

They stood up.

"Good. Very good for a first timer," she praised. "Molly, you go next. Take your best shot."

Molly did a slayer kick and the former cheerleader faked being kicked to the ground. Molly then put the stake over her head, and the brunette got to her feet.

"Great, Molly. Okay, Eve. Same thing."

Eve did a flying kick and then put the stake over her heart.

"Great. Alright. Now for the crossbows."

She took their stakes and gave them each a crossbow. She taught them how to load, aim, and shoot it. Then she had them shoot at a dummy, which they all got the target the first time.

"Last weapon, girls. My favorite. Swords. This should be easy enough. First, we're gonna learn how to use it and then we make our own moves. Remember. Keep your opponent thinking. First, you'll work with me one on one. Then you'll work one on one with Xander, Willow, and Tara."

They all went in the same order as before, moving like opponents would with each other. They soon moved on to her friends.

She came up to Anya and Dawn.

"You guys wanna learn? I wanna make sure nothing happens to my family."

She held two extra swords out to them. They took one each.

"I'll be first. I'm the Slayer's sister, right? I should be good at this," Dawn implied.

"Great. Come on."

With beautiful grace, they sword fought for a few minutes.

"You are her sister," she said, smiling.

They giggled and smiled at each other.

"Dawn, keep an eye on the sword fighting. It's me and Anya's turn now."

Dawn obeyed.

"Do I have to learn swords? It's easy," An asked.

"Anya, you're not a Vengeance Demon anymore. You can't just rely on strength alone, and power. You're a human now. It's time to learn a new way of defense."


With all their strength and skill, they went at it like opponents would in battle.

They lowered their swords.

"Anya, what's wrong? This is just practice. We can go upstairs if you want."

"Actually, it's our relationship."

"Guys, we'll be in the kitchen if you need us," she announced.

They sat down at the table.

"Anya, what's wrong?"

"I'm angry."

"About what?"

"We've been having these huge fights that don't qualify. And everything is all wrong. We haven't had chromosomes in three weeks, and I don't know why. All we do is argue. We never talk anymore. I'm afraid that we're about to break up."

"Anya, I'm sorry. I know this firsthand, stuff is hard for you. You were never dating an actual guy. A human one. Things get complicated. I'm sorry to say it, but if you guys don't start talking your problems out with each other, you're going to break up."

"Cordelia, let me ask you something."


"How did you get through with him? Dating Xander for the few years that you did? There had to be something that kept you guys from being separated. What exactly was your relationship on?"

"I always thought we put up with each other, because we loved each other too much. We even made through with our friends. Back then, we thought it was just teenage hormones. But now...I think I finally get it. It was never that. It was always the love and the broom closets."

"It's hard. You two actually can talk to each other. Me? I talk. I share everything. But Xander? He doesn't so much. Why?"

"I think it's because he's more of a listener and watcher, than a talker. Sometimes Anya, you gotta just sit him down and get him to tell you how he's feeling about the relationship."

"Thanks, Cordelia. You helped a lot."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. You wanna go back down there?"

"Yeah. I guess I should."

"That's the spirit."

"I guess it is. Looks like I'll be kicking ass in no time, after all."


They came down to see them all waiting for them.

"Okay, girls. You've learned enough. I think you're ready."

She twirled a stake around in her hand.

"It's showtime. Fight to the death."

The Adventures Of Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris vol.3: Pure EvilWhere stories live. Discover now