4. The Mission

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Faith stopped by a large tree.

"Here. There's a hole where she fell in. That's where she first met it. What do you want to do now?"

"You go down there first. We'll follow. Catch any of us in case, we fall or slip or something."

"Okay, C."

Faith went down first, landing on her feet without a problem. The others followed after, Cor being last.

She slowly climbed down, as she felt for hand and foot holes.

"Come on, C!"

"Faith, we're not all Slayers like you!" she called down to her.

At the last foot, she jumped down, landing on her feet safely. She dusted off her hands and then looked around.

"Now what?" Amanda asked.

Cor held up a hand to silence her.

Faith followed the former seer, as she walked around.

"It's like a cave. Maybe it is."

"What are you looking for? There's nothing here."

"There has to be, Faith."

She started feeling the cave walls.

She stopped by a pool.

"There's something behind here. You wanna do the honors, Faith?"

Faith strode up and they both pushed on the wall, which turned out to be a door to a cave.

Everyone walked down the steps.

"Lovely. I wonder what this is," Cor said, picking the scythe up from the stone. "Hmm. Powerful, too. I can feel it."

Just then, the door closed shut and a preacher walked down the steps.

"Hand it over little girl."

"Little girl? Do I look like a little girl? I'm the worst girl in Sunnydale history. You wanna go? We can go. Dawn, take the girls and go explore. Faith and I will catch up."

Dawn obeyed her sister-like figure.

Faith and Cordy were now alone with him.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" she asked him.

"The name's Caleb. Now, if you'll just hand it over, girlie."

"Caleb, you have a lot to learn about me. Where's The First Evil at? I used to be a seer. I can sense things. It's here right now."

"You're right. Yes. It's here. I know what you're thinking. I'm working for it. After all, I am evil."

"Are we gonna go or not?"

"I'd rather go for the Slayer."

"Don't worry. You'll get your chance. She's here just in case I start losing."

Faith stood on the sidelines, as Caleb and the former Queen C charged each other, and fought over the scythe. At one point, she thought he was gonna kill her when he grabbed it from her, but she took it back and used the scythe to split him in half.

Cor walked up to Faith and put an arm around her waist.

"Come on. Let's go find the girls."

It wasn't long before they caught up with them. It was in the middle of a fight, against some ancient vampire things. They helped the girls win the fight.

An hour later, they ended up being in the cave tunnels.

The girls followed the Slayer and brunette through the tunnels, searching for clues.

"What's that?" Molly pointed out, seeing a chest.

Everybody gathered around to look, as the two leaders of the group opened it. There was a bomb, it turned out.

"Run!" they yelled out, as they ran, hoping to outrun the bomb before it exploded. The others did likewise. Then came the explosion and them being thrown in all kinds of different directions. Some went for the wooden chest and some debris.

Meanwhile, the second team were at the last cave.

"Hello?" Wills called.

"Anyone home?" Xander called.

They all looked around.

"I think we're too late," Wills announced, stopping, looking down at a dead lady.

"You think?" Xan said.

"L—Let's go h—home," Tara suggested.

"Better idea. Let's go find our team and then go home," Xan announced.

"I like that idea," Will agreed with her best friend, taking Tara's hand and walking out, with Xander at her side.

Back at the tunnels, the potentials coughed, as debris continued to fall from the ceiling.

"Who's all here?" Kennedy asked, standing up.

"I am," Amanda announced.

Kennedy looked to see that the other potentials were all okay.

"Where's the others?" Kennedy asked.

"I don't know," Canadae replied.

There were a few coughs, as Faith painfully came out from under a pile of debris and wood. Dawn came out as well.

Kennedy and Eve hurried over to help Faith, as Dawn looked around and dug for Xander's Secret Eyes. Faith came over to help the younger Summers.

As soon as they found the unconscious Queen, they both put an arm around their shoulders and used their body weight to hold her up.

"Let's go home," Faith said.

Everybody nodded, and they headed off, looking for a way out of there.

Meanwhile, Anya was at the house with Andrew Wells. She had found him alone. That's when the door opened to her boyfriend and the witches.

"Did they come back yet?" Xan asked.

Anya shook her head.

"We don't know where to look," Willow said.

They sat down on the couch.

"What's he doing here?" Xander asked.

"I found him wandering the streets, so I took him. I thought he could help us out," Anya answered.

The Adventures Of Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris vol.3: Pure EvilWhere stories live. Discover now