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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ my star, i'm sorry

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my star, i'm sorry.

IT WAS A SLAM of his palm down on one of the metal lab tables that had startled everyone awake again. barely after sunrise the next day, everyone had met in the warehouse. they had very little time to leisure about, especially with a deadline of just six weeks.

"he's late." jungkook said again. that wrinkle was between his eyebrows, the one that showed he was actually very angry. despite his extreme self control, there were always little hints.

namjoon stood from the couch and walked over, placing a hand on the boys chest to give him a little shove. "calm down, it's also 8 am and city traffic sucks right now."

as if on queue, the large warehouse side door to the alley started to slide open, thanks to jimin seeing their last team member standing outside and looking up at the security camera. "finally." the ravenette mumbled.

the boy came in, no obvious hurry in his steps. "don't look so happy to see me." yoongi said, noticing the frown on the leaders face.

"don't be so late." jungkook tossed back. he just got a bored eye roll in return.

"okay," namjoon decided to take control for the moment, letting the younger calm down enough to not explode on everyone for no reason. "i'm assuming everyone has seen or at least heard of the news." he said.

there were various nods, from all of them sitting around the lab. they were all there, taehyung, jimin, jina, yoongi, hoseok, and jin. "how much do you all have left?" jungkook didn't waste to ask, he didn't care about his hyungs formal introduction or speech or whatever he had planned. jungkook had a job to plan, and he needed to start now.

"18." namjoon said, based on the looks on everyone faces, no one really wanted to speak up first.

hoseok cleared his throat and did some quick mental math, "uh, about 13."

"12." both jina and yoongi said, and another 17 came from the blonde by the computer.

that left jin, who scratched the back of his neck and grinned with a light chuckle. "i got maybe 9?" he said.

"9?" namjoon repeated, eyes wide and showing the shock that everyone else did. it's only been about two months and he's gone through that much money already. "the restaurant business is pricey." the oldest defended himself.

jungkook moved on, "i've got 21. that means together we have just about half of what sunwoo wants."

that was a bad number. it was a bad number that meant they needed to somehow find another 100 million in order to pull this off, and that wasn't even counting what it would cost to break someone out of prison. "how many left to sell?" jungkook asked yoongi, walking over to the two geniuses sitting by the computers. one was actually working while the other ate some fruit loops, but jimin was allowed to do whatever he wanted to right now.

yoongi pulled up some files, typing in various passwords and codes to get into their inventory. although it's been two months since the heist, they were still pawning jewels and doing it little by little to avoid suspicion. that strategy was shot now, since jungkook was considering selling them all right now to cover more of what they needed.

"it doesn't matter, we're still going to need at least half a million." namjoon said. it was a shitty comment, but a true one still.

"i need a drink." jungkook said, grabbing his coat and not saying anything else as he walked towards the door. jimin hit a button letting them open for the younger.

he had a shadow, one in the form on his own hoodie and skinny jeans, an off outfit to be paired with the fancy gucci shoes following behind him. taehyung was always there, he didn't need an invitation to follow the boy, and no one else had the balls to do so.

taehyung just caught up to jungkook, neither saying anything. they didn't need to. the older brushed their hands against each other, before lacing their fingers together as they walked down the sidewalk to find whatever bar came into view first.

it was an older one, lined with brick walls and low lights throughout the room. the couple found a booth at the back and sat across from each other. "you seem stressed." taehyung stayed the obvious.

"oh do i?" jungkook chuckled, he was aimlessly reading over the menu, even though he knew what they were getting already. they always got the same thing. "it's not like my boyfriend is being framed for a crime i committed, that's crazy."

taehyung shrugged and started to play with one of the forks. "on the bright side, i'd look good in orange."

the boy sitting across from him chuckled again, leaning back in the seat and staring at his love. "you'd be someone's bitch in two seconds." jungkook laughed.

"oh wow thanks for the confidence." taehyung threw the small paper ball of torn napkin at him, but still smiling, especially hearing his laugh. it was a nice sound, a rare one that seemed to send taehyungs world into a downward spiral of adoration that he knew he'd never get of. and he was okay with that.

it was quiet again, and they placed their orders once the waiter came by. all they got were a few drinks and some nachos. jungkook was staring into space again, so many thoughts and objectives in that kind of his. taehyung just wanted to help.

"let me give you some money." he said.

that got his attention back. "what?" jungkook asked, not even expecting his own voice to come out with a slightly irritated tone. it seems that any topic of money did this to him.

taehyung sat back also and sighed, "let me help, it's my dad after all-"

"that's the whole point tae," jungkook cut him off from this ridiculous idea, there was no need for any consideration either. "plus you only have his money anyways, it's not yours to just give away."

maybe it wasn't the right thing to say, maybe it was a totally fine thing to say. the whole thing with conversation is the people you're speaking with and depending on those people, a simple statement can be interpreted in various ways. maybe that's why taehyung was frowning now. he didn't even say anything, not when he was working his usual annoyed pout, the slight jut of his bottom lip and glare to the side. he was doing his absolute best not to look at his boyfriend.

jungkook noticed this, the cross of his arms over his chest and the sideways glare. "oh come on, what did i say wrong now?" he asked. they didn't even get their nachos yet and he can't think of what could possibly have happened.

taehyung just narrowed his eyes some more, glaring at the boy with a very familiar bratty look. jungkook just blinked.

"i'm not some spoiled rich boy who lives off his fathers money." taehyung stood up and grabbed his bag, throwing it over his shoulder, "enjoy your nachos jerk." and then he left, and jungkook just sat there for a moment and tried to figure out what happened.

apparently it must have been a sign, he was being tested — and he certainly had too many things to think about.


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