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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ my sky's not blue, it's violent rain

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my sky's not blue, it's violent rain.

ITS BEEN AN HOUR and by now the sun had fully set and their spot was enveloped in darkness, not seen — just the way they liked it. the two boys sitting in the front of car had not spoken for a while, nothing but determined eyes staring ahead and watching for any signs of movement.

it was kind of peaceful, in an extremely tense and seriously important kind of way. maybe it's the way they bonded, the small ravenette and practically his brother just sitting in silence and doing absolutely nothing. namjoon only moved once to turn down the air conditioner.

they even forgot that they weren't the only ones  in there, until the car started to bounce and a head popped up in between them and over the middle console. "guys where's the hot sauce?" hoseok had asked, making the car move as he noisily shifted in the backseat.

jungkook sighed and leaned over between namjoons knees to open the glove compartment and grab a few small packets that he got from a fast food place one time. "you know," the oldest of the four spoke up, "you didn't need to order so many tacos."

"shut up namjoon." jimin shouted from the back, his cheeks currently stuffed and hand outstretched as he waited for more hot sauce, "this wouldn't be a real stakeout without the steak tacos."

namjoon turned around in his seat to glare at the boy, who simply smiled and waved, "love you." jimin said.

"mhm." namjoon hummed before turning back in his seat, also earning a slap to his arm as the ravenette spotted something.

it was three guys, coming out of the alley between the last building standing on the docks. there was some words exchanged, obviously none that the boys heard, but it couldn't be of much importance — this was just a smoke break after all. "like clockwork." jungkook said, glancing at his watch and seeing exactly what he expected.

9:10 pm and the same three guys paused their poker game for a smoke outside, obviously not what their boss would want — which means they only did so when he wasn't around. namjoon still wasn't fully convinced, and the uncertainty was evident in his eyes as he kept staring ahead in thought, "it could still be a coincidence." he said.

this wasn't enough to absolutely determine that no one else was inside, and only the three men were on watch on these nights. there was too much that they didn't know, too much to risk. "dude we've been here for a week straight," hoseok said, mid pouring of hot sauce, "i don't think it's a coincidence anymore."

jungkook was just listening, the notepad on his lap and the cap of the pen between his teeth as he scribbled down some more notes, "we don't move until everyone is certain." he said.

"but–" hobi tried, he really did for a moment, but it ended the second that the ravenette looked at him through the rear view mirror. "got it." he mumbled. jimin giggled quietly at his friend beside him and hoseok just rolled his eyes mumbling another 'shut up.'

they left soon after, only waiting until the men disappeared back inside before driving from their spot a few blocks down and back to the warehouse. it was a decent drive through the city, minus the bathroom break requested by jimin and then the second one at that only ten minutes later.

yoongi was the only one in the warehouse when they got back, a program already up and running as the blonde met up with him and the notepad. "here hyung." jimin said, handing it to the elder and taking a seat beside him.

"same thing?" he questioned, earning a nod from jimin who said, "yep, like clockwork."

"quoting jungkook?" yoongi cracked a smile, making the blonde sitting beside him grin even wider. "of course." he said.

the older male chuckled and skimmed through the notes, typing in time stamps and people counts as usual. that's been the routine this past week, reckon and observation. they needed to know the most about their target before diving in. although, that was already proving to be hard with this type of deadline.

a week had passed already, leaving five more, and they only now can sort of confirm the three men always on night watch duty — and even with that, namjoon remained skeptical. jungkook normally would have been too, but he was more blinded by the need to get this done rather then getting it done properly. a recipe for disaster that is.

"is it lining up?" jungkook asked, his voice announcing his presence before his footsteps did. he leaned between the two boys to get a better look at the monitor.

"mhm," yoongi hummed, clicking out of today's notes and showing the overview of the past week. there was a column for each day of the week, and the times of each moment the men stepped out of the warehouse was marked, matching up every day. they couldn't have been the smartest dudes, it's basic knowledge to not be predictable. "7:30, 9:10, and 10 are your times. they never stay out for more then twelve minutes each time." yoongi said, only repeating back the notes he had received this week.

jungkook knew this, but sometimes it made it easier seeing someone else make the connections to patterns. "good." he said, standing up to leave and find his backpack.

"don't we have to deal with this whole jail thing too?" namjoon asked. he had finally caved, and two tacos were simultaneously in his hands. hoseok was pouring hot sauce onto one while namjoon ate the one in his other hand.

"yep." jungkook said. that was on his mind too, sitting there like a constant boulder to any progress in his life. it didn't matter the reckon they did this week or if they pulled this off, because they still needed to deal with that whole thing — and committing a crime like that was putting the ravenette up against everything he hated and vowed not to do. there was a small idea sitting up there, behind that boulder, hiding from actually being considered an option. he didn't want to do it, but it would work, and he had no time to think of anything else. there was just that feeling in his stomach that stayed whenever he thought of it.

"i'm working on it." jungkook said, picking up his backpack and shoving his phone into the back pocket of his jeans.

namjoon rose an eyebrow and hoseok also stopped pouring hot sauce. the other two by the computers turned as well, curious to hear about these baby plans in his head. "you wanna share?" jimin asked.

"not yet." jungkook said, "tomorrow we work on infiltrating their building under twelve minutes. yoongi and jin will go fishing and scout the back for any entrances, jimin you watch them from here using traffic cameras." he listed off instructions as quickly as he could on his walk to the warehouse doors.

"namjoon is in charge, you know what to do with the others hyung." the ravenette called out lastly, waving over his shoulder to the boys left sitting there. they weren't surprised to be left out for a bit, it was routine to hold back on ideas until they were ready to be shared.

the only difference was jungkook had planned it out already, and tomorrow it would be set into motion while the others were busy elsewhere. he's already in deep shit, might as well dig his grave a little deeper while he's at it.


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