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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ imagination becomes the universe

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imagination becomes the universe.

IT WAS ALMOST NOON when the male finally pulled himself away from the warmth of his sheets, those dark locks of hair sticking in every direction and hiding tired eyes behind messy bangs. jungkook yawned and found some slippers, tucking his feet inside before leaving his room to follow he smell that filled his apartment. he couldn't even remember having groceries.

"finally you're awake." taehyung said from his spot by the stove, a spatula in one hand and a pan in the other. a pancake was almost done, and some of the batter was smeared against his tan cheek.

jungkook blinked, still tired and trying to process what was happening. then it all came back, and he walked over to his boyfriend. "you're recuperating, go sit." he pushed the boy away from the stove and tried to take over.

"dude i'm not handicapped." the brunette snatched the spatula back and bumped his hips against jungkooks. "set the table."

"table?" jungkook asked.

it slipped his mind, the way his boyfriend didn't own furniture. "oh, okay well." taehyung looked around and just saw the couch. "go set the floor?" he tried again.

jungkook just shrugged and grabbed some utensils before walking into what was suppose to be the living room. he took the blanket off the couch and laid it across the floor for them to sit on. "that'll work." he said to no one in particular, dropping the forks and going back to the kitchen.

his hands went around his boyfriends waist, gently of course, and his chin rested on his shoulder. "it smells good." jungkook mumbled, the whisper of his voice sending shivers down the olders spine.

"i got blueberries too." taehyung said, pointing at a small bowl of fruit next to the stove.

it took a second for his arms to leave and his attention span to switch, only focusing on the small bowl of berries in his hands now. "i love blueberries." jungkook said with a small pout, tossing back a handful and leaving a considerable dent in the pile.

taehyung just giggled, and the smile that appeared lasted for a while after that. it was moments like this one that had him believing they could have a normal relationship, and jungkook would like this lifestyle too. he was about to flip the pancake when his boyfriend sprinkled a few berries into the almost-done batter with an innocent smile and quick kiss to his cheek. "thank you, love you." jungkook said with a mouth full.

once the breakfast was done, taehyung stacked the few pancakes on a plate and walked out to the living room. jungkook had sat down on a blanket, two forks and a knife out on napkins with the bowl of fruit and some glasses of water for the two of them.

"this is good, thank you again baby." the ravenette said. he had already helped himself to a pancake, nearly done and ready for another serving. that boy could eat for days, and never seemed to put any weight away for it. taehyung just smiled again and took a bite of his own.

"what's on your mind?" jungkook finally asked, after a few minutes of silence and just eating. he couldn't help but see the way the wheels turned in the brunettes head.

taehyung just shrugged and wiped away some crumbs from the corners of his mouth. "i'm just tired." he smiled to ensure he was okay. his boyfriend smiled a bit too, then rested his hand against the boys smaller thigh. "if something's wrong you'd tell me right?" jungkook asked.

"of course." taehyung said.

they were holding hands now, tummies full of pancakes as well as hearts of adoration. "so i was thinking." the younger started to say, but he was cut off by a groan coming from his boyfriend. "that's always so bad." taehyung said.

"shut up." jungkook chuckled, "i want to travel, with you." he finished, speaking his thoughts and still smiling fondly. it was such a nice smile, one so rare and only reserved for certain people. taehyung was one of those people who was lucky to see it almost all the time. it was one of his favorite looks on his boyfriend anyways. "i want to get out of here for a bit." jungkook was rubbing his thumb against the olders knuckles, just staring down at his pretty and tan hands, waiting for a response.

"i'd like that." he said, "but i think we should wait for a bit. maybe try to relax a bit after everything that's happened."

"absolutely." jungkook scooted closer on the floor, until their legs were touching and his boyfriend rested his head on his shoulder. "maybe i can do some apartment shopping, make some room in that closet for you."

"for me?" taehyung sat up and looked over at him, his heart still seemed to skip a beat when looking into those dark eyes. every damn time.

"you're here all the time anyways, might as well make it permanent." it was a pretty obvious invitation, and taehyung would be lying if he said he wasn't completely and utterly feeling over the moon in love right now. of course he knew he already loved the boy, but moving in officially and taking that next step was something that made him feel so secure and so proud of them.

the two smiled, and then they kissed, and then the ravenette was hovering over his boyfriend with his legs sitting snug between the older boys thighs. "god i love you." jungkook said, it was a soft whisper, so close and trapped between their lips just before no space remained. taehyung was trying not to smile like an idiot, he really did try to kiss him, but he couldn't stop the grin.

"dude let me kiss you." jungkook said, but he chuckled anyways, reaching up the push back the other males bangs and see how happy he had been knowing this was now his home too. "i'm happy." taehyung said.

"good." jungkook said. it made him nervous, proposing something like that to his boyfriend. yes they talked about marriage and they had been together for a while now, but that didn't mean the ravenette didn't get embarrassed from time to time. his apartment wasn't the nicest, not compared to the places taehyung must have grown up in or lived in from past relationships ships — but none of that mattered, because taehyung was willing to live anywhere with jungkook.

it didn't even matter that some of the paint on the walls was peeling off or sometimes the window had to be hit in order to open or that they literally ate breakfast on the floor, taehyung wanted to live with him.

"okay but one condition," taehyung said, holding his finger up to the boys lips to stop their current makeout session, "we really need a kitchen table, and some cutting boards."

"whatever you want to get. that's our next project." jungkook spoke too soon, because he was soon shoved off the older boy who was now smiling with the most excited look in his eyes. "oh my gosh let's go curtain shopping." taehyung got up so quick and grabbed his phone, already rambling about fabric textures and color schemes and how jungkook seemed to be a beige kind of aesthetic guy.

the ravenette  just sat on the ground, and he grabbed his bowl of blueberries, watching with a fond smile as his boyfriend walk around and talk to his hearts content, planning their future out the way he's fantasied for so long.


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