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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ oh that would be my first death

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oh that would be my first death.

THE WAY HE DROVE out of that small alley was almost mission impossible level, or dominic torreto for that matter. either way, taehyung was there the second he heard jimin yelling at him to step on it and save their asses.

it was all such a blur, the way he had driven well over the speed limit to get down the block and infront of the building where he could see the four buys running out with numerous duffel bags in their arms. hoseok had been ready, waiting on the roof to see his team exiting and already beginning to shoot at the entrance to cover their asses as they tried to escape.

the men that ambushed them at came storming the back of the building with lead spitting and shouts yelling. although it was a surprise, they were still untrained, and jungkook was able to snap his boys back into it and grab what they could before they were really screwed.

"come on!" taehyung yelled, suddenly not feeling nervous anymore as he slid open the side van door and made room for the boys to come diving in and throwing the bags of money into the seat.

there was gunshots lighting up the street, but no one could tell if more were coming from hoseok or the gang members. they were outnumbered, all them versus hoseok. it didn't matter how skilled he was, he only had one gun and tried to cover all five of them as they tried to get out of there. "get inside tae!" jungkook couldn't help but yell, seeing his boyfriend opening the car door for them.

the brunette just jumped back and got in the drivers seat, too much adrenaline flowing in all of their systems to even fully realize what was going on.

once they were all in, not even three minutes after jimin screamed at them to run, the van door finally slammed shut and the five guys were trying to make sure everyone was here. "are we all good?" jungkook asked, looking around for a head count from the backseat.

there were various nods and loud breathing in response, amongst the yelling coming from jimin since he still couldn't see a thing and had no clue what was going on.

"shit." it was taehyung, his head down and hands no longer on the wheel. no one even realized that they hadn't been driving yet, the van still at a halt on the road. no one even noticed the way the pretty brunette in the drivers seat was looking down at the growing red stain just above his belt. "i kinda liked this shirt too."

the blood was coming out quickly, almost as quickly as the blood drained from jungkooks face. suddenly everything moving slower as he looked at his boyfriend sitting there in a position that he had put him in.

they wouldn't even have drove away if it wasn't for namjoon, the one to take control knowing it's what had to be done — especially with the ravenette seemingly frozen in place for the first time in his life. "move him." the boy said, grabbing onto taehyung and tugging him out of the drivers seat and to the back.

he hissed in pain, and the tears finally started to build in his eyes as the adrenaline wore off and the pain welcomed itself into his system.

namjoon got in the front seat and started the van, leaving and getting them out of there all under two minutes. he obviously didn't take the same route, not wanting to be followed but still needed to pick up their sniper who has been covering their asses and now running down the fire escape and down to the sidewalk. hoseok jumped in when he could, not even noticing the way taehyung was laying against jungkook.

the ravenette had snapped out of it, already tearing off his jacket and pressing it against the wound to try and stop the bleeding. "the bullet went straight through." yoongi said, feeling on the back of the exit wound and pressing a towel in an attempt to stop the bleeding from that end.

"what the hell happened?" hoseok asked, any answers never heard — at least not by the youngest of the boys.

for a moment he forgot where they were, what they had been doing, the money forgotten as he looked down at his boyfriend. jungkook would have pushed back his soft bangs, brushed away those tears that somehow escaped, if only his hands weren't stained in the warm blood that didn't want to stop coming out.

"i love you." taehyung said. he hadn't looked away yet, not wanting to do anything else besides stare up at those pretty dark eyes. "shut up." jungkook said.

"say it back." the brunette frowned, pressing his head into his boyfriend stomach as he laid against him. he just wanted to hear it, but jungkook didn't want to say it. he didn't want to say those words and leave the boy content with the way things were. he was going to be selfish, and not say it and make taehyung have to make it through this so he could hear it again.

"jungkook." jin had said it quietly, but he didn't try to persist once seeing the glare directed his way.

"how far are we?" jungkook demanded to know, they needed to be at the hospital now. they needed to make his love better again. "open your eyes." he said, noticing the way taehyungs eyes fluttered shut for a moment, "let me see your pretty eyes."

he couldn't help the crack in his voice when he said it, and right now he couldn't help the tears that started to form.

no one had seen the ravenette cry before, it was rare enough to hear him the boy toss his head back in laughter or crack a joke that wasn't half bad. none of these things really happening until that special boy appeared in his life, until taehyung woke up that side of him again. they all noticed the way taehyung had changed jungkook, for the better.

it was hard to see him start to break so easily, after so many years of a practiced cold exterior and confidence that seemed to come so naturally. they watched all that break away, leaving nothing but a vulnerable boy too in love to even think of letting go.


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