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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ the course of true love never did run smooth

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the course of true love
never did run smooth.

SATURDAY WAS COMING too quickly, and the ravenette continued to feel like they wouldn't be ready in time. this wasn't something they could pick a date and work towards, the east sons were having a load being brought in that day and that day was the time they had to strike.

if the stress of that wasn't enough, jungkook had to deal with the mess that his relationship with taehyung was at the moment. they haven't talked since yesterday, since the brunette was dragged off to a gun range to practice with hoseok. he didn't like it at all, he hated thinking of his baby holding anything or being near any place that was dangerous. right now though, taehyung was apparently doing everything that was the opposite of what jungkook wanted.

that stress only grew, especially with the text he got around noon. it was from an unknown number, but the sender was clear. he recalled his trip two days ago, seeing her again, after so long. jungkook squeezes the phone in his hands, his eyes shut so tightly as if that would physically block out the memories of them laughing in their home together, a mess of limbs and affection in an apartment that was suppose to be theirs forever. now it was an abandoned room with a lawn chair and cardboard box as a kitchen table.

it wasn't a home. jungkook didn't deserve a home.

"are you alright?" he didn't even hear his best friend walk in, not with his feet covered in socks and head in a mess of blonde locks sticking everywhere. not many people knew jimin slept in the lab sometimes, when he was too busy with work to eat or sleep. only jungkook did, and even the thought of that was making him feel worse.

"i'm fine." the ravenette stood up from his seat and walked out, not even sparing the boy a glance as he walked outside. he needed some air before he called her.

there wasn't enough air or time to prepare him, jungkook just wanted this to be over already. "i'm glad you didn't change your number." seohyun said, her voice quiet, probably because she was hiding somewhere. getting caught with a phone would only end her up in solitary and probably various other punishments.

"i'm glad you still have it memorized." jungkook said back with a chuckle. "and you got my hint."

"you always loved your codes." seohyun said, a small smile on her face as she thought back to when he was teaching her them. all those months ago that eventually turned to years, a time forgotten and only now thought about. "you're getting me out?" she couldn't help but feel a little hopeful, "and we'd run away, to some foreign country where no one will know?"

jungkook scraped a stain on the alley floor with the toe of his boot, just listening to her words and waiting for her to finish. "sunwoo asked me to get you out. ask him about the arrangements afterwards." he said, not missing her soft sigh, "now listen carefully, i know you know how to get out of the locks, and pick the door. there's an air vent two cells down from yours, it leads to a basement where a window opens to the back by the basketball courts. there's going to be two transportation vans there waiting to take some prinsoners to a new facility. get in the second van, that one is ours." jungkook explained to her the plan, letting her know she had to be ready to execute this on sunday around noon, that's when the vans will be there. jimin had to do a little digging to figure out these plans, and it may have involved a small bribe from sunwoo on his part. he was still very much keeping up with their plans, wanting to make sure he wasn't going to be screwed over.

"i know your doing this for me, for us." seohyun said, after all those instructions it was the only thing she could think of saying. "sunwoo may be behind it, but you'd never go out of your way this much to help anyone. maybe there is hope for us."

it was silent for a second, jungkook just taking in her words. there was a realization in his head, a few days ago when he kissed her — and he knew that it was the best kiss he's ever had, because it was when he realized how madly in love he was. after kissing seohyun, jungkook only knew that there would only ever be one person he wanted, and that person was taehyung. the kiss felt like nothing, and he realized in that moment where his future lay and what baggage he needed to finally drop from his shoulders, the past he needed to leave behind.

"you're right seohyun." jungkook finally spoke, "i never go out of my way this much to help anyone, but this time it's different, because for my family i'd do anything. these are the people that mean the most to me and have stuck with me through everything, and i'd go to any lengths to ensure their well being. i'm doing this for them, not for you."

she was silent, and she was angry. nothing could be said after that would make what he said any less true, his love for her ended a long time ago.

the call ended, and jungkook stood with the phone still pressed to his ear for a moment. he didn't move until a voice broke him from his thoughts, the one that would always be there. "when are you going to talk to him?" jimin asked.

the ravenette sighed, and for the first time he looked so visibly exhausted. "i don't think i will." he admitted, "i don't deserve to fix this."

"oh shut up." jimin said, stomping over and grabbing the boys hands to somehow get his attention better. "all you ever do is fix things, make things work and make us all happy. yeah it's a weird ass family but we're only here because of you, dummy."

jungkook chuckled, even in the most serious or heartfelt times, jimin always had to be a bit precious to lighten the mood. "he loves you like crazy. that's why he's learning to shoot guns and drive a get away car for goodness sakes."

"that's kinda badass." the ravenette admitted.

"it really is." jimin grinned, happy to see his best friend not being so down anymore. "now come on, we got a show to do."

the two boys still held hands, and the smaller one pulled them back inside to warmth of the warehouse. with a day to go, everything was getting settled, and soon it would be too late to go back. that only made it more exciting.


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