Episode Six: Box(pt. 3)

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*Hey guys! The next episode will come out next weekend. So, I hope you enjoy this new episode as a whole. This is published on January 18, 2020. Now, if you enjoy this part(s), please give it a vote and/or comment. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a blessed day. Enjoy!*

Guy stumbled into the box station in South Shvizelton, urgently. He laid a few brunkels on the table...earning a confused glance from the man at the front desk.

"A box to Cherryville for one, please," Guy panted while shaking his head to snap himself out of his tiredness.

"I'm sorry, sir...we don't have a box." The man at the front desk shrugged.


The man pointed at the sign without response. Guy looked up at the sign and it read:

Sorry, no boxes till March.

"March?!" Guy gasped while shaking his head. "I got to get to Cherryville and I can't afford a train."

"This is on all the box stations...I'm sorry." Then, the man sympathetically gazed at Guy. "Well, you can ride a party box to Cherryville."

"Party box?!"

"Yeah...it should take you where you needed to go...luckily, after South Shvileton, Cherryville was the next destination. So, you'll get there quicker," The man suggested kindly with a gentle smile.

Guy calmed down finally while wiping the sweat off of his brow. "Alright. How long till they get here?"

"They're almost here. It'll only take five minutes," The man informed softly. "Take a seat. They will be arriving shortly."

"Thank you," Guy tipped his brown worn-out hat and sat on the chair. His shoulders tensed and his gaze darted everywhere in the box station.

Guy knew he's being watched...by who? He had no idea...but the only clue he had--

Guy lifted his brown hat and took out the photo that Jeffrey gave him before he died and flipped it over to see the named engrave on it.

--was the name of a person that Jeffrey gave him.

Guy shifted his gaze from soft to determined quickly. He heard the truck pulled up to the station, causing Guy to get up on his feet quickly and put away the photo underneath his hat. He moved quickly towards the truck while hearing ongoing music in there.

"Huh?" Guy muttered to himself while two arms with different color furs pulled Guy through the door. He yelped a bit to discover that everyone was dancing and bopping their heads along with the music. This confused him for a moment until he recognized Gluntz dancing next to McWinkle...who had earplugs in and arms crossed. Guy squeezed through the crowd to get to them.

"Gluntz?! McWinkle?!" Guy shouted their names, catching the attention of both McWinkle and Gluntz. "What are you doing here?!"

McWinkle tilted his head up slightly, couldn't hear what Guy was saying because of the earbuds he's wearing. However, Gluntz could hear him perfectly.

"We're having a party here!!" Gluntz informed loudly while dancing.

Guy shook his head for a moment to show he's not understanding something. "Could you please stop dancing, Gluntz?!"

"I can't help it! I'm not in control!" Gluntz responded to him immediately, her voice still booming over the music.

Guy groaned irritably while darting his focus on whoever had control of the music...it turned out to be Sam. Guy wasn't surprised by this but, on the other hand, they were in the middle of getting chased by an assassin and he's now having a party?!

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