Episode Nine: Goat(pt. 2)

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*Hey guys, the next part will come out today and the next episode will come out next week(if I'm not too busy with school). This is published on February 8, 2020. If you like this part(s), please comment and/or vote. I would love to see what you guys think. Enjoy!*


Guy began to hear distinct chattering close by. He can hear an engine making the quiet sound, indicating that he's in a vehicle. As he's waking up, the voices were familiar and clear in their words.

"So, let me get this straight." Guy heard Michael's voice from nearby. "You're telling me that you slipped in something by pure accident?"

"Yep." Guy heard Louis's voice speaking.

"Huh...have you even told him?" Michael inquired.

"I couldn't...he's sleeping...remember?"

"But...couldn't you have told him before he--"

"He passed out after you did."

"I still think you did that fox language on me on purpose."

"Oh come on, that was a complete accident," Louis responded, almost sounding a bit offended.

"Yeah...I'm having a hard time believing you."

Guy began opening his eyes slowly while his head was spinning. He noticed a sleek ceiling with the scenery displayed at the window of the car. He realized that he's been sleeping in the backseat with his back resting on the seats like a bed. Louis saw him awake and smiled.

"Morning, Sleepy Beauty," Louis greeted while driving the sleek sportscar throughout the freeway.

Guy sat up groggily with a groan and looked around the car to notice Michael sitting at the passenger side.

"Hey, Guy, are you doing okay?" Michael asked to check in with him.

Guy nodded his head. "Yeah...I'm fine...how long was I out?"

"A while," Michael answered vaguely.

"More like a couple of hours," Louis explained in further detail.

Guy heard someone snoring and instantly realized that Jean, the mouse, sleeping behind the head cushion of the backseats.

"Where are we going?" Guy groaned while rubbing his eyes.

"Cambridge," Louis answered, still focusing on the road.

Guy widened his eyes immediately. "Huh?! Cambridge?! How--?!"

"We're all supposed to meet up there," Louis explained further.

Guy raised his brow in suspicion. "I didn't think you're involved in this."

Louis chuckled at Guy's response. "Who do you think helped you out in the hospital and prison? Also, on a train?"

"Fair point. But why come with us?"

"Because...that's part of the plan. Well...part of our plan."

"Our plan?"

"Dad and I...we planned to meet up at Cambridge."

Guy bulged his eyes in sudden realization. "Oh...right. Yeah, I forgot."

Jean slowly woke up from his sleep while twitching his whiskers. He suddenly squeaked angrily at Louis.

"Whoa, whoa, Jean!! Stop cursing and calm down!" Michael attempted to calm the mouse down.

The mouse continued to snarl at Louis.

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