Episode Twelve: Tree (pt. 4)

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*Sorry this took so long to upload. This is by far, the longest chapter I have ever written yet there's so much going on within it that is important. I hope you all enjoy it! I'm going to be busy with school but I will find time to write this up and publish it. This is published on March 7, 2020. Enjoy!*

Guy's Dream:

Guy tore down all the weeds he could find, sighing in relief. However, his surroundings were still dark. He searched around the hallways, wandering aimlessly of where he should go since he tore down all those weeds. Was there more to this dream than he realized?

He heard a familiar distorted child-laughter. That laughter was too familiar but he couldn't pinpoint who it was laughing. Guy followed after the laughter, hoping it would lead him out of this slumber. He took the hallways throughout the school he's trapped in.

"Did you find anything, Guy? Have you tear down all those weeds?!" Guy heard Michael shouting, still cheering.

"I've torn all the weeds down...but--I'm not waking up," Guy answered honestly while following after the distorted giggle.

The silence filled in the void for a moment while Guy traveled through the school hallways, continuing to follow the distorted laugh but the tone got lower. It began to creep Guy out but he knew that he had to face his fears to wake back up to reality.

"Why are you still trapped? Are there other fears we don't know about?" Sam's voice spoke up from outside of Guy's dream.

"I don't know. My biggest one was to lose the people I love...maybe there's a different phase," Guy responded while suddenly walking into the cafeteria with a giant beast. He gasped quietly and immediately hid behind the wall while breathing heavily.

"What is that thing?" Guy thought to himself, panting.

"Uh...what's going on, amigo?" Goat questioned immediately from the outside.

Guy peeked around the corner and saw the giant beast in more detail. It appeared to be a bewildering beast with two horns, one on each side like a goat. It had pointy ears and a fluffy tail like a fox. It stood on its legs with a bit of a slouch compared to how McWinkle would normally walk and its body was huge but not fat. The beast had giant paws and claws that would tear into anyone coming close to it. It wore a red torn flannel shirt on with some bloodstains on the chest area with a gray coat surrounding it, eerily similar to Louis's gray coat. There's a dirty blue tie hung around its thick neck while it had dark purplish mane coming down on the nape of its neck with the brown curly hair to continue down to the center of the back between the broad shoulders. From the light, Guy could see whiskers on the beast like a mouse and extended fur on its cheeks, similar to Sam's. Guy noticed that the beast was also wearing a cap that was a lot like Gluntz's cap.

Guy saw that the beast was noticing him but made no action to pursue after him. Its small yellow glowing eyes only stared at him for a moment and then back into the darkness. He raised his brow and stepped out slightly.

"Uh...Guy?" Guy heard the Lorax speaking up. "What's going on?"

"Th-There's a beast but...it's not chasing after me," Guy muttered while stepping warily towards the beast, hoping that it won't be bothered by getting a closer examination of it. The beast growled a bit at him, causing Guy to flinch. Guy froze still, staring back at the beast but the beast made no movement towards him. He could assume that it wanted to be left alone. A pale light suddenly shined beside the beast. The beast gazed into the light and walked towards it. Guy, with curiosity getting the best of him, followed after the beast into the light. The light brightened up his surroundings. Wait, was he waking up?

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