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Your relationship just progressed from that meeting in the street. The two of you had been on numerous dates since and it wasn't long before you were officially together. All your friends seemed to be incredibly happy for you both as they hadn't seen you happy in a long time. After around five mo ths of being together you had both decided to move in together and found a cute little house near the coffee shop that you had your first date. And that brings us here, with the two of you curled up together on the sofa infront of the TV. Your head was resting on his chest and your legs were tangled together while your hands held his where they wrapped around your waist.

You had both been pretty much glued to each other the past few months. The thought if being anywhere but with each other was one that neither of you wanted to face. Which was why you were having so much trouble asking him this one little thing. If he agreed then it would be the first night you would have been anywhere but home in his arms since you moved in together. Look, he's not going to shout at you or something just because you want to go out with some friends. It's a completely reasonable thing to do and you're both adults here. I'm sure he'll be completely fine with it... but what if he's NOT alright with it... I just... ugh just tell him and stop overthinking you dumb bitch.

"Tae..." You looked up to him from the wayward angle you were sat at, straining your neck slightly at the odd position.

"Yes, baby?" He looked down at you and smiled sweetly at you.

"I... um... can I ask you something?" You fiddled with your intertwined hands, squeezing and releasing his hands.

"Of course, baby." The expectant look in his eyes quickly changed to concern when he heard how you were stuttering to get your words out.

"I... can I... ugh, um... I don't know how to word it I..." You sighed and looked into you lap, embarrassed at the way you couldn't get your words out infront of the man you loved.

"You know you don't need to be worried, right? Whatever it is I'm sure it's completely fine and I'm here, okay? You can ask me anything." He looked at you with the expression he made when he wanted you to feel safe to share anything, to tell him whatever was on your mind. So you shut your eyes tightly and near spat the words out.

"Can I go out with my friends tomorrow night?"

Everything was silent for a minute before Taehyung started to giggle slightly. Just as he did when you had first met. You sunk down impossibly further into him, feeling stupid at how worried you were about this.

"Is that it?" You nodded at him, shyly. "Of course you can go out with your friends. I don't own you. You're allowed to do what you want. Do you want me to come get you or do you wanna stay with your friends for the night?"

"Umm... come get me? That way I won't stay out really late and end up not waking up for work in the morning."

"Okay baby." You both continued to cuddle on the sofa together for the rest of the evening and eventually gave up on the thought of going up to bed, sleeping on the sofa instead.

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