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You sat and watched as Jungkook got his wounds tended to. As soon as you had gotten to the hospital you made sure to tell them the situation and the police were immediately contacted and sent to your house. You had no clue how you had let yourself get into an even worse situation that all your ex-boyfriends combined. You just wanted to be happy with someone, maybe Jungkook really was the one you should have been with all along?



"Are you good there? You look a bit out of it."

"I mean I just found out my boyfriend is a psychopath who tried to kill one of my childhood friends so I mean not really. I'm surprised you seem so chill, I mean you were kidnapped for fuck sake."

"Yeah I mean I don't know I guess I kind of saw it coming? Like I could see something was up with him as soon as I saw him. There was just something in his eyes..."

"Yeah, guess I probably should have noticed that one."

"No, no, no. None of this is your fault."

"I never sa-"

"Y/n. We've been friends for years. I know you're blaming yourself for this and none of it is your fault."

"But I had a feeling too. I just chose to ignore it. I kept feeling like something was off, that I should run away. I felt it ever day I was with him but I never realised what it meant..."

"Well know you'll know for future reference, I guess."

"Yeah, I guess." There was a short pause, before Jungkook decided to bring something you had been trying to forget up.

"You know that night I made a pass at you?"

"Can we no-"

"Just let me speak, please?" You nodded at him, "Okay well I know I was being an asshole and I really didn't mean to but you were talking about him like the sun shined out of his ass. I'd never heard you talk about anyone like that befor eand I was worried that that was that and I'd never get a chance with you. So I shot my shot and a very wrong time and acted so horribly and I know you're probably not gonna want a relationship for a long time but please consider me as someone you'd think about dating in the future."

"Okay. I guess I kind of always liked you at least a little bit, I just never really noticed till that night. I think he saw that and that's why all this happened." You leant against his shoulder and for once you felt at peace. You felt like you were making the right choice.

You and Jungkook both recovered quickly and when the cops asked questions you obviously told them exactly what he did. They said that they wouldn't charge you as they knew it was self defense. You felt safe knowing that Taehyung would be locked up and away from you. But would you ever recover from the events that took place? Would you ever be able to trust anyone again enough to be that close with them? Jungkook knew you would. Because you would trust him that much. He had seen the way you looked at Taehyung, the way your eyes shimmered every time you saw him and he saw that light fade when you saw what he'd done. So he'd be smarter than Taehyung. Hide things better. Do everything better so that he could be better than Taehyung for you. You would love him more than you loved Taehyung because you were his person, his one. And he would do anything to make sure you stayed his, forever.

(A/n: and this is the end of the story! I really enjoyed writing this so I'm kind of sad to see it go. I'm writing another story called "Him" atm and I'm also pretty proud of where it's going so maybe you could check that out as well?)

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