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That small, silver earring shining from between the floorboards had been bothering you the last few days. Countless thoughts of it crossed your mind and as much as you tried to forget you just couldn't. It made you question everything you knew about Taehyung, you even began to lose trust in him. You knew that there was definately something up when you woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of chains rattling from the basement. Something was definately wrong and a feeling of dread gnawed at the pit of your stomach, its presence never leaving. You knew the only way you would be able to get rid of that feeling was if you went down there and checked out what was down there. However, you knew Taehyung would never let you down there. The basement was his part of the house, afterall you had the attic. You'd just have to do some investigating when he wasn't around.

The next day you let Taehyung walk out the door as he usually did. You sent him off to work exactly how you usually did as you went fo work later than him. As soon as the coast was clear, you made a beeline to the basement door. Before Taehyung moved in you kept a spare key above the door frame and you hadn't seen him notice it so you got on your tiptoes and felt blindly for the key, gasping when your hand came into contact with the cool metal. You shakily unlocked the door and crept through the door. You took one step down the stairs at a time. With each step, a creek was heard as the wood the stairs were made from was rather old. As you walked down the steps, the chains suddenly began to rattle furiously. You screeched slightly and ran back up the stairs. However, something causes you to go back down: the muffled screaming that sounded like Jungkook.

You ran down the stairs in the dark and flicked the lights on, gagging at what you saw infront of you. Jungkook was on his knees with his hands chained to the ceiling, gagged and blindfolded. There were layers upon layers of matted blood covering his body and some obviously fresh blood along with it. It wasn't enough to cover the hundreds of cuts and bruises that wound around every part of his body. You didn't know how to process what was infront of you. You couldn't believe that Taehyung could do something like this. That he could be anything like this. You covered your mouth with your hands, sunk down to the floor and began to sob heavily. You only let your emotions get the better of you for a few minutes, knowing you needed to help Jungkook get out of this. You slowly crept over to him and lifted his blindfold from his eyes, revealing your petrified form to him. You saw how quickly emotions crossed his mind, from being scared to relief to terror once again.

You held his face in your hands and kissed his cheek lightly. "I-I-I c-ca-n-n't b-be-lie-eve he d-d-did this t-to y-y-ou." Your voice shook from the fear of what this thing you had brought into your life was and from worry for Jungkook. "I-I p-prom-ise-se I'm g-gon-na g-get y-yo-u out of h-he-re. J-just-t give me t-time. I-I've got you K-kookie-ie." You pushed the blindfold back down over his eyes, wincing at the sound of Jungkook's muffled screams. You slowly stood up and took a moment to gather yourself, attempting to process what you had just discovered. You turned around to go back up the stairs but bumped into a solid chest. You looked up to see Taehyung looking at you with an expression that showed a sick and twisted version of sadness.

"Oh sweetie, why did you have to do this? You couldn't just mind your own business, could you?"

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