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Y/n thought about all those thrillers and horror movies she had watched and knew exactly what she had to do: play dumb.

"Tae, you did all this for me?" He nodded in response, confused at your words.

"Baby, I was so worried that you didn't actually feel the same way about me. I thought I was alone in this whole thing. But this... this proves that you feel the same. I can't believe that you'd do all this for me, for us. You kept us safe, you made sure nothing would get between us. I love you so much." Taehyung has no clue what to think at this point. He never thought that you'd actually be okay with this and that you'd accept him the way he is.

"You really mean that?" He asked.

"Yes, baby. Every single word of it." You smiled at him as he hugged you. He nuzzled into your neck, before he could remember the way you had been crying and how you had promised to get Jungkook out of there. You see what he didn't know was that you still had the key to the basement in your hands. You swiftly stabbed him in the neck, feeling the pop of the key slicing through a few blood vessels. You doubted that Taehyung knew the exact place the Jugular was but even if he did you had stabbed prett damn close to it. He stumbled out of your arms and looked at you with utter betrayal.

"I- wha- Y/n... why..." He stuttered.

"Because you're a fucking psychopath, Taehyung. Now I know you know enough about this shit to know that if you move too much or remove that key you'll bleed out pretty damn fast. So I suggest you tell me where the fuck the key to his chains are before I yank that thing right out of your fucking neck."

He pointed to a set of draws with shaky hands, not wanting to give anything away but knowing that he'd have to if he wanted to live. You rummage through the draws and found the key. You quickly unlocked Jungkook's chains, pulled off his blindfold and took the gag out of his mouth. "Come on, Kookie. We're safe now. Let's go to the hospital." You let him lean on you and slowly walked him up the basement stairs. Once out of the basement, you made sure to put a chair under the doorknob so that he wouldn't be able to get out. You got in your car and drove the two of you to the hospital.

(A/n: sorryyyyy I know this is really short!!)

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