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The story from Taehyung's perspective...

The moment he set eyes on you he knew that you were his one. He had always believed in fate, ever since he was a child, and he one hundred percent believed that you were his soulmate. The way you walked with purpose, the way your hair bounced with every step, the Chanel suit you were wearing, everything was just perfect. He knew he had to interact with you now or he might never get a chance to meet you again. Which is exactly why he purposefully walked into you, getting burning coffee down his suit. He screwed his face up in pain before quickly changing his expression back to his usual, carefree one. As he spoke to you he realised just how melodic your voice was and how adorable it was when you stuttered. Your body language read as "I want you" to him and it was him you were going to have, but all in due time.

After he got your name it was pretty easy to search the internet and find out things about you. All your social media wasn't very private so it gave I'm a very deep insight into your likes and dislikes. He knew exactly what to say and do to wrap you around his finger. Which is exactly why he managed to make his way into your life so easily. It really didn't take him very long to get you to move in with him, in the sweet little house halfway between your apartments. That night on the sofa he felt his heart drop. You had never spent a night away from him and he really didn't want you to but he knew that if you wanted to have a good relationship he'd need to let you have your fun. Plus, it was only one night. Surely nothing could go too wrong.

He tried to get the thoughts of you being at a club surrounded by guys out of his head but he just couldn't. So he decided to go down to the club and wait outside early for you, just incase something happened. When he saw you trying to get away from Jungkook he knew something was wrong. He saw Jungkook kissing you, confirming his suspicions. Then he saw you kiss back for a minute. All he could see was red, the only thing he felt in that moment being pure rage. He got out the car to go and get you and the way the apologies fell off your lips felt so surreal. He'd never heard you say sorry before because there was no reason to. He meant what he said, he did trust you. And as he said, he didn't trust Jungkook. He had to get rid of him. He had to get him away from you before he got in the way of your relationship.

That evening he cuddled with you until you went to sleep, then he put his plan into action. He went to the basement and grabbed a couple things for situations like these, a couple things meaning chloroform and zip ties. He could vaguely recall you saying the name Jeon Jungkook at some point on your drive home from the club so he did some searching and managed to find his address. Now he just had to put the plan into action. He drove to his house and parked outside as he didn't want to have to lug a body halfway down the street. He knocked on the door and tapped his foot impatiently on the ground. The door flung open and Jungkook was stood there in nothing but boxers and a baggy shirt, he had obviously been sleeping. Great, he's tired. That makes this a whole lot easier.

"The fuck do you want?"

"Charming. I'd like to talk to you, if that's alright?"

"I mean, it's not but I guess you can yeah. Come in then." He pulled the door open further to let him in and closed and locked it behind you both. He lead him over to the kitchen island and the two of them sat down. "So, what do you wanna talk to me about?"

"Y/n." He deadpanned.

"Yup, saw that one coming." He rolled his eyes.

"Look, I want us to be able to get along as Y/n seems to be quite fond if you. But if we can't then I'll have to do something about it."

"By get along you mean you don't want me to make a pass at her again?" Taehyung nodded in response. Jungkook walked around the island to be next to Taehyung and whispered in his ear, "I'll make passes at her all I want. You don't own her."

"I guess I'll have to resort to plan b then." He quickly whipped the chloroform soaked cloth from his pocket and put it over Jungkook's mouth and nose. Jungkook kicked and hit him in an attempt to get away but before he could even put up a decent fight he had passed out. Taehyung let him drop to the flood with a thud and tied the zip ties around his wrists as a precaution. You never know, he could wake up at some point. He dragged his body to the front door and unlocked it with the key. He threw his body in the car as fast as he could and locked Jungkook's door, sliding the keys through the letter box. He jumped in the car and made his way back to the house uou both shared, his home.

Once he had managed to get Jungkook tied up in the basement, he cut the zip ties. There was no way he was escaping from that. He waited about an hour for Jungkook to wake up and eventually all that time payed off when he saw the look of pure panic on his face. Taehyung smirked at him. "You shouldn't have done that to her. You just had to get in the way, didn't you? It's not that I don't trust her I know she'd never do anything to anyone else but you on the other hand? I have no clue who on Earth you are or what you're capable of. How about I find something out about you? I wonder how much pain you can take before you pass out..." He paused for a minute pacing around the room and thinking a little. "But not tonight. I have to get back to my sleeping angel before she wakes up and realises I'm not there. I'll have my fun with you in the morning." He walked back up the stairs and stuck to his word. The things he did to Jungkook were horrific but never to be spoken of again.

The day you found Jungkook would have gone so much more smoothly if Taehyung hadn't forgotten his office keys at home. He was in the car on his way to work, before he realised and panicked slightly. He made a u-turn and got back go the house, not expecting to see the basement door open. He crept into the house and down the basement stairs, witnessing you crying and telling Jungkook that you'd get him out. He had never felt more betrayed in his entire life. He'd make you pay one way or another. Right now, though, he just stood behind you, looking rather amused at your false hope. When you turned and hit him he made sure to look at you with twisted sorrow to creep you out a little.

"Oh sweetie, why did you have to do this? You couldn't just mind your own business, could you?"

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