Anybody Have A Map?

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     Virgil sits on his bed, a deep sigh leaving his mouth. He starts to type again:

     Dear Virgil Hansen,

Today's going to be an amazing day, and here's why. Because - because today, um, all you have to do is just, be yourself. But also confident that's important and interesting, like easy to talk to, approachable. But mostly be yourself that's the big like - like that's number one, be yourself. Just um, just be true to yourself. Also but don't worry whether your hands are going to get sweaty for no reason, you can't make it stop no matter what you do, because - because they're not gonna get sweaty so I don't know why you're bringing it up because it's not gonna happen because all you have to do is just be yourself. Don't even worry about it, seriously, because it's not like - it's it's not gonna be like that time when you had the perfect chance to introduce yourself to Roman Sanders at the school play last year, when you waited afterwards just to talk to him and tell him how good he was and - and you were gonna pretend to be super casual like you didn't even know his name. Like he would introduce himself and then you'd be like, "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, you said your name was Ronan?" And then he'd be like, "No it's Roman, I said Roman" And then you'd be like "Oh see I thought you said Ronan 'cause I'm just very busy with other stuff right now." Or something. You didn't even end up saying anything to him anyways because you were scared that your hands were sweaty which, they weren't that sweaty until you started worrying that they were sweaty which made them sweaty so you put them under the hand dryer in the bathroom and then they were still sweaty they were just very warm now, as well.

(This is actually just the edited note from the musical, so like... please don't sue me writers of the musical. I am very poor.)

     The bedroom door opens then, Virgil quickly slams his laptop shut.

     "Hey, honey. First day of school! Are you excited?" Virgil's father, Janus asks in an optimistic tone.

     Virgil shrugs. "I guess."

     "Have you been writing your letters? 'Today's gonna be a good day, because?"

     "I started writing one."

     "That's great!"

      Virgil shrugs again, "I guess."

       His father sighs, "Can we try to have an optimistic outlook, huh?Can we buck up just enough to see the world won't fall apart?Maybe this year, we decide, we're not giving up before we've tried. This year, we make a new start." He gives an encouraging smile. "You could ask some people to sign your cast! Won't that be great?" He gestures at the cast that covers Virgil's arm.

     "Yeah," Virgil gives a weak smile.

     "Great!" Janus forces another smile. "I know this year's gonna be great!"

      He quickly walks out the door, after he leaves he lets out a puff of breath. "Another stellar conversation for the scrapbook," he mutters.

    Another stumble as I'm reaching for the right thing to say. I'm kinda coming up empty...Can't find my way to you...

     He glances back at the door sadly, before walking down the stairs.

     Does anybody have a map? Anybody maybe happen to know how the hell to do this? I don't know if you can tell But this is me just pretending to know So where's the map? I need a clue 'Cause the scary truth is I'm flying blind And I'm making this up as I go...


     "It's your senior year, Remus! You are not missing  the first day!"

     "I already said, I'd go tomorrow," Remus says to his dad with a dismissive wave of his hand.

     His dad, Patton, looks to his husband, Logan, for help.

     "He doesn't listen. Look at him," Logan gestures at their son, "He's probably high."

     "He's definitely high," Roman, the couple's other son, speaks up from his seat at the table.

     Patton groans, "I don't want you going to school high, Remus!"

     "Great!" the boy says, "So I won't go! Thanks, Pops!" He walks out of the kitchen.

     Patton sighs in defeat, "Another masterful attempt ends with disaster!" He whispers sadly.

     "The traffic's gonna be terrible!" Logan grumbles, as he reads the news on his phone.

     "Pour another cup of coffee, and watch it all crash and burn!" Patton thinks to himself as he grabs the coffee pot.

     "Remus ate all the bacon!" Roman cries indignantly.

It's a puzzle, it's a maze. I tried to steer through it a million ways, but each day's another wrong turn...

     "I better go," Logan stands up, kisses his spouse on the cheek and leaves for work.

     Roman stands to leave too, "If Remus isn't outside, I'm leaving without him." He gives a half wave as he walks out of the room.

     Does anybody have a map? Happen to know how the hell to do this? I don't know if you can tell But this is me just pretending to know. So where's the map? I need a clue, 'cause the scary truth is I'm flying blind...

I'm flying blind...

I'm flying blind...

I'm flying blind...

And I'm making this up as I go

As I go.

Dear Virgil HansenWhere stories live. Discover now