Exposition pt.2

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     "I need your help," Virgil says as soon as Remy accepts the video call.

     Remy raises an eyebrow as he takes a long sip from what seems to be an ever-present cup of coffee, he sighs, "This better be good, Hansen."


     Remy is laughing rather obnoxiously, "So," he wheezes, "You wrote this letter to yourself," he stops to catch his breath, "As what? Is this like a sex thing?"

     "No!" Virgil yells, "It's- it's, like, an assignment...from my therapist," he whispers the last part, but Remy still hears.

     "Sure it is, Hansen. So, anyway, what's the big deal?"

     "The big deal is that if he shows anyone that letter my life is over!" Virgil shouts hysterically.

     "What life?" Remy says with a smirk.

     Virgil knows he's kidding, but it still hits a little too close to home.

     "Plus, I mean. It's been three days, I bet he forgot about it, anyway."

     "He hasn't been at school! He's probably plotting something!" Virgil shouts, "And Roman's gone too! He probably already told him! And now he thinks I'm creepy!"

     "That's really implying that he didn't think you were creepy anyway," Remy says pointedly.

     Virgil ignores that part, "Oh gosh, my life is over!"

     Remy rolls his eyes again, "Loo-"

     Virgil's dad comes in the door then, Virgil quickly slams his laptop shut.

     "Hey, buddy, whatcha up to?" Janus asks with a smile.

     "Uh, no-nothing, just, uh, just some homework," Virgil says in a rush.

     "Oh, okay," Jan says suspiciously, "Well, I'm heading to class now," he's referring to his night classes at the community college, "You all good on refills?" he asks.

     Virgil thinks of his half empty bottle of anxiety pills in the box on his nightstand, "Yeah," he says, "I'm good, thanks."

     "Okay, there's money on the counter for you to order something, later," He looks pointedly at Virgil then, "Eat something, please."

     Virgil nods, "I will."

     "Good," Janus smiles, "Love you!"

     "Love you too," Virgil gives him a half smile.

     He smiles as he leaves the room.

The next day Virgil is on edge, more than usual, he's been waiting for his life to be over. For Remus to print copy's of the letter out and plaster them everywhere. But...he hasn't yet.

    He's anxious all day, he has been since Remus took the letter. At this point he just wants him to get it over with, at least then he could stop worrying about it.

     In one of his classes he's called down to the principal's office. "This is it," he finds himself thinking.

     When he walks into the office he's surprised that Remus isn't there. Instead, there are two glasses-clad men, one looks as if he's been crying, the other wears a stoic expression and a tie.

The serious man gestures to a seat, Virgil sits down.

"We're Remus's parents," the words immediately make him tense up. He told his parents? "We know this may be difficult to hear, but he wrote this for you. Before he left." The last words are spoken in a whisper.

"Left?" His voice sounds strange, He looks to what he's being offered, a sheet of paper.

"What?" And then he sees that it's his letter. "Remus didn't write this."

The man in the chair starts sobbing harder. "Yes, he did."

The man in the tie puts his arm around the other man's shoulders. "He wanted you to have it. It was found in his pocket, when he...did what he did."

I stare at them in confusion, "What did he do?"

The crying man takes a shuddering breath, "Remus...Remus took his own life."

I freeze. "That can't be right. I just saw him the other day. I-"

The man nods. Then his eyes grow wide. "Logan, honey, look!" He grabs Virgil's cast. That's when Virgil sees what he's looking at. Remus's name. "They really were friends! Look! This proves it, he had friends!"

That's when everything clicks into place for Virgil. They think this is Remus's suicide note, and therefore they think...that Virgil was Remus's best and closest friend. Oh no.

Dear Virgil HansenWhere stories live. Discover now