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The rest of the morning is rather uneventful, classes go by in a familiar, boring blur. Before Virgil even realizes he's attended most of his classes it's time for lunch.

He gets in line along with all the other kids that are willing to consume the cafeteria's "food." Remy is in line next to him, they're at the back. Remus Sanders walks up to stand behind Virgil. He wears a dark outfit, he's wearing smudged up makeup.

"Love the outfit, Remus," Remy calls, "Very school shooter chic."

Remus doesn't say anything.

"Dude, it was just a joke," Remy says, "Yeesh." He moves up in the line.

Virgil gives a nervous giggle. Remus Sanders is a really scary guy and Virgil's not very smart sometimes.

"Are you laughing at me?" Remus says in a gruff voice, it takes Virgil a moment to realize he's talking to him

"I-erm- no, no I wasn't. Really, I-"

"You were laughing at me," Remus says angrily, Virgil gives another nervous giggle, "Stop laughing!" He pushes him to the ground and storms off.

Virgil wonders what would happen if he just lays there, would anyone even notice? Or would he just be like the cafeteria's new floor mat.

"Hey," a voice, accompanied by a hand held out in his direction, shakes him out of his thoughts of being a rug.

"Hey," Virgil says hesitantly, then he realizes that the voice belongs to none other than Roman Sanders. Go figure. He allows him to help him up.

"Sorry about my brother, he can be a real jerk."

"Oh, um, it's okay. Really, no harm done." Virgil says in a rush.

"What happened to your arm?"Roman asks.

"Oh, this?" Virgil says dumbly, "This is actually a really funny story."

"Yeah, you see I had this internship at the wilderness park, and I fell out of a tree and-"

"Oh," he looks uncomfortable.

"Yeah, um, do you wanna sign my cast?" Virgil asks.

"Um... I have to go now. My friends are waiting," Roman says before he quickly rushes off.

"Oh, okay. Bye..." but he's already too far away to hear.


"He thinks I'm a weirdo, a freak. That was my one chance and I blew it. I can't believe how bad I messed up!" Virgil thinks to himself as he walks to the computer lab.

He huffs as he opens up a new document:

Dear Virgil Hansen,

Turns out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing week or an amazing year, because why would it be?

I know, because there's Roman, and all my hope is pinned on Roman, who I don't even know, and doesn't know me. Maybe if I could just talk to him. Maybe nothing would be different at all. I wish everything was different.

I wish I was part of something. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. I mean face it, would anyone notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?


Your most best, and dearest friend, Me

(Once again just an edited version from the original script. Poor, remember? please don't sue)

Virgil sighs as he hits print, as he gets up he notices that there's only one other person in the room. Remus Sanders. Oh no.

He stops Virgil on his way to the printer, "What happened to your arm?" he says.

"Oh," Virgil says, caught off guard, "Well actually it's a really funny story-"

"No one's signed your cast yet."

"Um," Virgil pauses.

"I'll sign it if you want me to."


They both stand there in silence for a moment before Remus breaks it, "So do you have like a sharpie on you?"

"Oh, Yeah!" Virgil reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sharpie.

He writes his name in large letters all the way across the length of the cast.


Virgil stares at it for a moment, "Thanks."

Remus gives a humorless chuckle, "Well, look at it this way, now we can both pretend we have friends."

"Yeah," Virgil says quietly.

"Is this yours?" Remus asks, holding up the printed out letter.


"Dear, Virgil Hansen... That's you, right?"


"Roman...it all depends on Roman," Remus mutters as he reads it.

"Um...that's private I-"

"What is this?! You wrote this for me! Didn't you? Didn't you!?"

"No, really I-"

"You knew I was the only other person in here, you wrote this creepy stuff about my brother so that I would see it! So that I would get mad, and cause a scene so you could see me expelled!"

"I didn-"

"You better, watch it, Hansen." Then, he put the letter in his pocket and stormed out of the room.

Virgil felt his heart plummet into his socks.

Dear Virgil HansenWhere stories live. Discover now