For Forever

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"So they think," Remy pauses as he lets out an exaggerated laugh, "That you and Remus Sanders. Were best friends."

"It's not funny! They invited me to dinner..."

Remy laughs again, "Oh my god, and what did you say?"

"What was I supposed to say?! Their son just died and they think I was his secret best friend! I'm going over tonight for dinner!"

Remy rolls his eyes, "Look, all you gotta do is fill in the details, they ask you something about Remus, you just nod. It works everytime."

"Isn't that kinda wrong?" Virgil asks.

"Oh, yeah. But, unless you wanna tell them the truth this is your best be-"

Virgil slams his laptop shut as Janus comes into the room.

"Hey, buddy. I'm heading out, you need anything before I go?"

Virgil shakes his head, "Nope, I love you. Have fun at school."

He smiles, "You got big plans or something?"

Virgil shakes his head hurriedly, "No, I'm just goin' over to Remy's to work on a project."

"Oh," Janus smiles at that. "You two have fun!"


Virgil stands outside the Sanders' house, wondering if it's too late to turn back.

Before he can run back to hide at his house, however, the door swings open to reveal Logan Sanders and his husband, who's name Virgil fights to remember. Patrick? No, but it was definitely something with a P.

"Come in," they lead him to the living room and Virgil is already dying for this to be over.

"Virgil! Thank you so much for joining us! We're so glad you could make it!" Pete??? Says.

"Oh, uh, no problem," Virgil stammers out.

     "Yes, Patton and I have been eager to meet the friend our son has hidden from us," Logan deadpans.

     "Oh, yes. So excited to hear all about it," Patton says as he heads back into the kitchen.

     Roman is sitting on the couch, glaring at Virgil. His expression doesn't soften when Virgil offers him a tentative smile.

     Patton pokes his head out from the kitchen again, "Dinner's ready, everyone come sit."

     The meal is...awkward. Virgil really regrets coming. Everything about it is awful, Roman is glaring at him, Logan won't meet his eyes, and Patton won't stop with that earnest look in his direction.

     "So," Patton finally breaks the silence, "Tell us about you and Remus?"

"Oh, well, I"

"Yeah, tell us how you managed to keep your friendship such a secret, we're all dying to know," Roman cuts in, a suspicious look and an eyebrow raise is aimed at him.

     "Oh! Yes, you two were rather sneaky with that. We didn't think, Remus had any friends," Patton says.

     "Yeah, why was that?" Roman asks with fake curiosity, "Why did you two keep it such a secret?"

     "Well, it's just that, he didn't want—he didn't want anyone to know."

     "Why not?" Roman pushes.

     "He just didn't."

     "That sounds rather odd, he must have had a reason," Roman glares at Virgil, the false smile on his face doing nothing to soften it. "Surely he must've given you a reas—"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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