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The clock ticked slower that it normally would. Each second felt like an a hour as I waited in the police station with tear stained cheeks, puffy eyes, and a very concerned mind.

Regular thoughts were not being processed right as my mind raced a mile a minute. The only thing keeping me sane were the deep breaths I took into my lungs and the constant nagging going on in my head that everything would be ok. Hopefully, in some way, shape, or form that this would be a dream and I would soon wake to the annoying yell of my alarm that would be laying by my bed. Only the squeak of a door was all it took to break that hope and let reality slap the hell out of me.

I didn't turn my head at the sound nor did I want to know who was in my presence to pass on the message for which I was called down here for. Steal toed boots hitting tile was all that filled the room with noise.

A figure appears before me, but I don't feel the need to look at the stranger. I don't want to look at the person who will give me the message that will most likely confirm my biggest fear.


My jaw tightens as he calls upon me to recognize him. I don't want to look at him.


He says more sternly this time. My eyes float to meet his. Like I expected, they hold no emotion, just cold and careless. He pulls out the chair across from me, making the legs scrap the floor and create a unpleasant screeching sound.

"Im sorry", he states confirming what I didn't want to believe. "Lidia Reid died instantly in the car crash. EMT said she was dead before they even arrived on the scene. Her and Tucker Reid were hit head on by a drunk driver coming down the wrong side of the road." He paused letting all the information soak in before speaking again.

I knew something happened. I've been trying to call my mom ever since 2 am when her and my stepdad were suppose to be home from their date at 11 o'clock. When she didn't answer I started to get worried. My body was tired but my mind was on red alert seeing as my mom was always on time for everything. When I got a call at 4 o'clock saying come down to the police station I was terrified. Now, now I just couldn't think straight. I was unable to form a complete thought let alone form words to speak to this officer.

"Miss Scott. Do you have any family we can contact for you?"

My mouth runs dry. My mom never spoke about her family. My grandparents died when I was little and I don't have any aunts or uncles; at least not that I know of. I slowly shake my head in response. I know I'm no help but I've got nothing, it's always been me, my mom, and my stepdad, Tucker.

"What about your father?"

Who? I've never known my father. I don't know his name or what he even looks like. Apparently he walked out on my mom before either of them knew she was pregnant with me.

"I don't know who he is." I tell him truthfully. He nods in understanding.

After sitting there for about another hour the officer finally takes me home. He will be coming over the following day to talk to me about where I would be going. Even thought I'm 17, I'm still a minor and not yet legally able to live alone.

My house rings with a silence that is unbearable as I drag myself up the steps to my mothers bedroom. I almost knocked softly on the door until I realized what I was doing, immediately bringing my arm to my side before pushing open the door. The bed is neatly made and there scents linger in the air.

That's when it all settles in. Their gone, I'm alone and I will soon lose everything. When I feel my breath start to hitch I tightly shut the door and make my way to my bedroom but not before I'm on my knees, screaming to the emptiness. I curl into a ball and beat onto the hardwood floor chanting "No!" Over and over and over. My body shakes and I can't see straight anymore through my watery eyes.

After the tears stop coming and my hand stops bleeding from me constantly punching the floor, I am left lying there while my body struggles to take deep breaths. Every thought runs through my head but I can't focus on one thing. The worst part is I can't feel anything anymore, and I'm not sure that's good.

I'm sorry that this story had a very sad and tragic beginning not every story can be unicorns and rainbows. I came up with this story from an idea I had for a while. I think this story is goi g to be my best one yet. it contains surprises, tragedies, romance, humor, reality, and a lot more. Hope you guys enjoy it.


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