Chapter seven

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-Erin POV-

I lightly laugh at my stepfather joke as we drive down the dark, narrow road. My eyes are staring at my mother who sat happily in the passenger seat. I admired her light brown hair and diamond green eyes that my stepfather, Tucker, always complemented. My mother was beautiful in every way, little did she know how much I envied her.

"Did you like the show, sweetheart." Her smile was now in my view to enjoy as she turned around in her seat to face me. I returned the gesture, remembering the joyful moment earlier this night.

"It was wonderful."I comment. The night was exciting but I could not recap what I enjoyed that night that would make it wonderful.

My mother nods taking in my fake excitement and began rambling on about her favorite parts of the event. As hard as I tried I couldn't remember what happened. My mind was completely blank as I listened my mothers faint voice. In the rearview mirror I can see Tucker's eyes bore into mine. This made no sense. Mothers words could not be understood, and my mind was a blur.

Not only was my mind a blur, but my eyes were as well. The bright headlights were blinding. I could hear the impact before I felt it. My chest tightened as my body was sunken deep into the seat only to be forcefully pulls forward. Everything began to go in slow motion. I caught a glimpse of the pain my mother was in. Our eyes briefly meet, her diamonds no longer shinning, the green no longer seen as black had taken its place. I reach for her hand knowing what was coming next. I was to late. I watched as she was ripped away from me and through the windshield. My screams were dry whisper and my heart was forcefully stopped. Ripped away. I can't still hear her faint voice. "Erin. Erin"

"Erin, wake up!" I sat straight up in my bed trying desperately to my breath back. My shirt clung tightly to my back as a layer of cold sweat laid on my shaken body. I could taste the salty tears as the stained my cheeks. I found myself blinking desperately to try and gain my vision in the dark room.

My breathing was slowing when I felt the warm hand on my cheek, causing me to jump in fear.

"Shh, baby it's me. It's just me." May pulled me gently to her body, wrapping her arms around me. I buried my face in her neck as her finger glided gently down my spin then back up again.

"This happens every night, doesn't it?" Walter questioned. He sat gently on my bed beside me, placing a steady hand on my arm. My answer was obvious. So obvious that May has been giving me questionable looks at breakfast.

"Do you need to talk about it?" May whispers.

"No." I choke on my words. May pulls me from her body and studies my frightened face. The pads of her thumbs run gently under my eyes wiping away the tears.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Walter asks from behind me.

"Because it kills me."


"What about this one?" I look over at Liz who is examining a dress on one of the racks. The bright orange color didn't please me, neither did the big bow that hung from the waist.

The look on my face told Liz exactly what I thought about it. "Maybe not." She says moving on to the next dress.

I began to take over one side of the store we where in while Liz searched through the other side for a dress. Liz decided to take me out today to pick something to where for her sons wedding which is in about a week.

I walk around the store taking dresses that I like in my hand and pushing one I don't aside. All the different colors, patterns, and designs were starting to hurt my eyes. I just wanted to get a dress and get out. Once I had a good amount of dresses I found my way over to Liz who was handing every dress she had to Luke.

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